Welcome to the VerCors tutorial! In this tutorial, we will look at what VerCors is, what it can do, and how you can use it.
VerCors is a toolset for software verification. It can be used to reason about programs written in Java, C, OpenCL and PVL, which is a Prototypal Verification Language that is developed alongside VerCors and often used to demonstrate and test the capabilities of VerCors.
In this tutorial, we will first take a brief look at where VerCors fits into the bigger picture of software verification. As this is only a brief look, we recommend users that are unfamiliar with software verification to take a look at the chapter "Background" that gives more information on software verification and some of the terms used below. Then, we will discuss the syntax of PVL and Specifications in VerCors. Once we have a basic idea of how things work, we look at several more advanced concepts, either of VerCors (e.g. resources) or of the input languages (e.g. inheritance). You can find an overview of the chapters on the right.
VerCors is a verification tool that uses static analysis to prove partial correctness of a given piece of code. It requires users (e.g. software developers) to add annotations in the code, which specify the expected behaviour. The chapter "Specification Syntax" of this tutorial describes the syntax for these annotations. VerCors particularly targets parallel and concurrent programs, using the permission-based Concurrent Separation Logic (CSL) as its logical foundation. CSL is a program logic that has a very strong notion of ownership in the form of (fractional) permissions: A thread can only read from, or write to, shared memory if it owns enough permission to do so. An advantage of concurrent separation logic is that, due to the explicit handling of ownership, we get properties like data-race freedom and memory safety for free; these properties are consequences of the soundness argument of the logic. A disadvange is that it causes significant overhead to always deal with permissions explicitly. Therefore, if you only wish to verify sequential algorithms, it may be worthwhile to look at alternative tools such as OpenJML and KeY, which do not use CSL as their logical foundation. For more info on CSL, ownership and permissions, see the chapter "Permissions".
VerCors' analysis is modular, proving each method in isolation: Each method has a contract specifying the pre-conditions that must be met before calling the method, and the post-conditions that are certain when the method call finishes. Analysis of a method body happens solely based on the contract, not considering any actual calling environments.
While VerCors currently supports Java, C (incl. OpenMP), OpenCL and PVL, it is designed to be extensible, in the sense that support for other input languages with parallel and concurrent language constructs (for example C#) can be added without much difficulty. For that, the aim for VerCors is to allow reasoning over many different general concurrency structures, like statically-scoped concurrency (e.g. GPU kernels), dynamically-scoped concurrency (e.g. fork/join parallelism), and automated parallelism (e.g. programs that are automatically parallelised using OpenMP).
Note that VerCors checks for partial correctness, meaning that if the program terminates, then it satisfies its post-conditions. No proof is attempted to check whether the program actually terminates.
It is worth noting that VerCors is not the only tool that can perform static verification on annotated programs; there are actually many tools that can do a very similar job. Examples of such tools are: Dafny, OpenJML, KeY, VeriFast, and VCC. However, VerCors distinguishes itself by focussing on different parallel and concurrent language constructs (e.g. Dafny, OpenJML, and KeY only allow verifying sequential programs) of various high-level programming languages (e.g. VCC only allows to verify C programs). Moreover, VerCors is not designed to be language-dependent, and instead focusses on verification techniques for general concurrency patterns.
Internally, VerCors uses the Viper backend,
which in turn uses the SMT solver Z3.
In this chapter, we explain some of the terms related to VerCors, for example static analysis. If you are already an experienced user of software verification tools, feel free to skip it. If you are new to the topic, we recommend reading this chapter to better understand the other chapters.
Nowadays, we as a society rely heavily on software, and software errors can have a major impact, even causing deaths. Thus, software developers strive to reduce the number of software errors as much as possible. Software verification is the task of reasoning about the behaviour of the software, in order to ensure that it behaves correctly. The most basic case could be considered to be the compiler, which checks that the program e.g. does not misspell a name. Only if the compiler does not find any errors, then the program can be executed. However, many errors that are more intricate can slip past the compiler. To catch these, there are two possibilities: Static analysis and dynamic analysis. Dynamic analysis runs the program and watches its behaviour. One example is testing, where you provide the software with a concrete input, let it compute an output and check that it is the expected one. While this can show errors, it cannot guarantee the absence of errors: Maybe it only works for this specific input, and even that only in non-leap years. Static analysis looks at the source code itself, and can thus reason in more general terms. The compiler is part of this category, and so is VerCors.
Different tools provide different levels of analysis. As an example,
let's take a division by zero, which is not allowed in mathematics and
would cause the software to misbehave. In the most simple case, we could
search for expressions like 1/0
, which we recognise as bad
immediately. But what about 1/x
? Maybe x
zero, maybe not. Some tools will check the program to find all possible
values that x
can take. But this is often difficult to
decide, and the tools often approximate (e.g. instead of saying "-1, 1
or 2", they say "the interval [-1,2]", thereby also including the value
0 even though it cannot occur in reality). This can lead to false
results, e.g. complaining about programs that are actually correct.
Other tools require the user (meaning the software developer) to specify
which values x
can take. This requires much more effort by
the user, who has to annotate the code, i.e. provide additional
information inside the program that is not needed to run the program,
but only for analysing it. As a reward for the additional effort, the
user can get more accurate results. VerCors follows this approach,
requiring the user to provide specifications as annotations. The chapter
Syntax" of this tutorial describes the syntax for these
Annotations can have different purposes, and two are particularly relevant: Assertions or proof obligations are properties the user wants to be proven, for instance that a function computes the correct value. Assumptions provide the tool with additional knowledge to help its proof; the tool takes them as given facts and does not prove them. A common example are method pre-conditions, where the user specifies the context in which the method is called. That way, when analysing the method itself, the tool can reason more accurately e.g. about the values of input parameters. However, that means that the analysis results is only applicable if the respective assumptions are met. So users (particularly new users) should pay attention what facts were actually proven, and what was assumed, and be aware under which conditions the analysis result holds.
As an example, consider the following code:
int foo(int arg) {
return 10/arg;
If we assume that the method is only invoked with arguments
, then we can assert (or prove)
that no division by zero occurs, and even that the result is between 0
and 10. Note that if the assumption is unsatisfiable (e.g. two
contradictory conditions, or a simple false
), then we can
derive any boolean statement, because the implication "if assumption
then statement" is trivially true. Thus, users must be careful in their
choice of assumptions.
VerCors particularly targets parallel and concurrent programs, as they are more difficult to understand intuitively and thus are more error-prone than sequential programs. One typical example is two parts of the program accessing the same memory location at the same time. This can lead to the unintuitive fact that, right after one thread wrote a value to a variable, that variable might already have an entirely different value due to the other thread jumping in between and changing it. To avoid one thread invalidating the properties and invariants maintained and observed by the other threads, VerCors uses Permission-Based Separation Logic (PBSL) as its logical foundation. PBSL is a program logic that has a very strong notion of ownership in the form of (fractional) permissions: A thread can only read from, or write to, shared memory if it owns enough permission to do so. So just because a variable is on the heap, shared and technically accessible by everyone, that does not mean that just anyone can go ahead and use it; they need to coordinate with the others by getting permission first. The specification language of VerCors has constructs to deal with ownership and permissions (see the chapter "Permissions"). An advantage of this approach is that, due to the explicit handling of ownership, we get properties like data-race freedom and memory safety for free; these properties are consequences of the soundness argument of the logic. You will notice that the handling of permissions makes up a significant part of the verification effort, and "Insufficient Permissions" is a frequent complaint by VerCors in the beginning. And while VerCors can be used to analyse sequential programs, it always requires this overhead of managing permissions. Therefore, if you only wish to verify sequential algorithms, it may be worthwhile to look at alternative tools such as OpenJML and KeY, which do not use PBSL as their logical foundation.
The installation and running instructions can be found on the Github homepage of this project.
When writing a program in PVL, the Prototypal Verification Language of VerCors, syntax highlighting can be obtained in the following way:
VerCors provides syntax highlighting support for PVL in TextMate 2 (MacOS X) and Sublime Text (Linux and Windows)
as a TextMate Bundle. The bundle is located at
. On MacOS X for TextMate 2 you
can simply double click the .tmbundle
file to install it.
Sublime Text requires you to copy the bundle content to some
Preferences > Browse Packages…
(that is, the
directory) into the directory you just
created.Visual Studio Code (VS Code) also has support for TextMate bundles to do syntax highlighting (VS Code runs on Windows, Linux and OSX). Click here for instructions on how to install this (this has not been tested however).
This page discusses the language features of PVL, the Prototypal Verification Language of VerCors. The language is similar to Java, so it has classes, methods, etc. It doesn't have modifiers like public and private. This language is used for research too, so some special constructs like the par-block have been added to it. This section elaborates on the basic language features of PVL. The more advanced features are described in later sections. A complete reference overview of the PVL language and specification syntax can be found here.
Currently, VerCors supports the types int
, and void
(for return types of
methods). Identifiers, e.g. variables and method names, can consist of
the characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and _. However, they must start with a
letter (a-z, A-Z). The following words are reserved and can therefore
not be used as identifiers:
, assert
, package
, kernel
, barrier
, constructor
, run
, else
, while
, goto
, return
, par
, and
, sequential
, block
, unlock
, wait
, fork
, join
, null
, true
, current_thread
, global
, static
, unfolding
, new
, id
, void
, int
, resource
, process
, zfrac
, bool
, rational
, seq
, bag
, pointer
, option
, either
, type
, any
, pure
, thread_local
, then
, given
, axiom
, model
, modifies
, accessible
, ensures
, context
, kernel_invariant
, signals
, apply
, fold
, open
, close
, inhale
, exhale
, refute
, witness
, send
, to
, from
, transfer
, spec_ignore
, action
, Reducible
, AddsTo
, ArrayPerm
, Contribution
, HPerm
, idle
, Perm
, PointsTo
, Some
, Left
, Value
, none
, write
, read
Standard operators can be used to form expressions from values and
variables of type int
or boolean
&&, ||, !, ==>, ==, !=, <, <=, >, >=
+, -, *, /, ++, --
b ? e1 : e2
is a boolean expressions, and e1
are expressions of the same typeOther expressions:
new T(...)
where T(...)
is defined by the constructor of class T
new T[i]
where T
is a
type (so int
, boolean
, or a class
) and i
a non-negative integer.A program consists of one of more classes. Classes have a name, zero or more fields, zero or more constructors, and zero or more methods. Below we show a small example class:
class MyForest {
int nrTrees;
MyForest(int nr) {
nrTrees = nr;
void plantTrees(int nr) {
nrTrees = nrTrees + nr;
The keyword this
can be used to refer to the current
object. Methods and functions may also be declared outside any class,
mimicking the behavior of static methods in Java.
A method body consists of statements. The basic statements of PVL are:
x = e;
where x
is a variable
and e
an expression.return e;
, where e is an expression of the type
of the methodif (b) then { s1 }
if (b) then { s1 } else { s2 }
, where b
is a
boolean expression and s1
and s2
(sequences of) statements.while (b) { s1 }
, where b
is a
boolean expression and s1
a (sequence of) statement.for(int i = e1; b; e2)
, where i
is an identifier e1
is an integer expression,
a boolean about i
and e2
update of i
.// put a comment here
or multiline comments /* put a comment here */
.Below we show a method using these constructs:
int myExampleMethod(int nr) {
nr = nr + 3;
if(nr > 10) { /* here is a multi-line comment
in the if-branch */
nr = nr-3;
for(int i = 0; i < 2 && nr > 5; i++) {
nr = nr/2;
} else { //we subtract a bit
while (nr > 2) {
return nr + 5;
Proof helpers do not have an equivalent in regular programming languages, but can be used to instruct the solver to take a certain path.
You can use if(*)
to encode a non-deterministic branch.
Exactly one branch of the if
is chosen, but it is not known
to the solver which one. The syntax is as a normal if, but with the
condition *
void test() {
if(*) {
x[0] = 3;
} else if(*) {
x[1] = 8;
} else {
This section describes the syntax of the specification language, which is independent of the target language. Thus, unless otherwise stated, all features are supported for all input languages.
In this part of the tutorial, we will take a look at how specifications are expressed in VerCors. While this tutorial provides more detailed explanations of the various constructs, a concise list can be found in the PVL Syntax Reference in the annex. The specification language is similar to JML.
Depending on the input language, specification are embedded into the
target code in two different ways: In most languages, such as Java and
C, the specifications are provided in special comments. These special
comments are either line comments starting with //@
, or
block comments wrapped in /*@
and @*/
. Since
these are simply a kind of comment, regular compilers ignore them and
can still compile the program. However, the @
VerCors to interpret them as annotations. Note that this style of
comment comes from JML, so VerCors is not the only tool using them.
However, the exact interpretation of the comments may vary between
tools, so a valid specification in VerCors may not be recognised by
another tool and vice versa.
As an example, a method pre-condition (see following section) can look like this:
//@ requires x>0;
public int increment(int x) { /* ... */ }
requires x>0;
requires y>0;
public int add(int x, int y) { /* ... */ }
Tip Always remember to place the @
! It
can be aggravating to spend significant time debugging, just to realise
that parts of the specification were put in regular comments and ignored
by the tool.
For PVL, the specifications are inserted directly into the code, without the special comments around them:
requires x>0;
int increment(int x) { /* ... */ }
requires x>0;
requires y>0;
int add(int x, int y) { /* ... */ }
Given that the syntax is otherwise identical, we will use the commented version in the rest of the tutorial, to make the separation between specifications and target code more obvious. The examples in this chapter are in Java, but you can find the respective examples in other languages on the website (as well as a Java file of all the examples below).
Most annotation constructs have to end with a semicolon.
In principle, we can distinguish two kinds of annotations: Specifications in the form of method contracts that specify the observable behaviour of the respective method; and auxiliary annotations that guide the prover towards its goal and are for example used inside a method's body, or to define helper functions. We will first look at the former, then at the latter, and conclude with a description of the kind of expressions that VerCors supports (e.g. boolean connectives). For the earlier parts, it suffices to know that expressions in VerCors specifications are an extension of whatever expressions the target language supports.
Method contracts specify the behaviour of the method that is visible
to the calling environment, by means of pre-conditions and
post-conditions. Pre-conditions use the keyword
and restrict the situations in which the method
can be invoked, e.g. restricting parameters to be non-null.
Post-conditions use the keyword ensures
describe the behaviour of the method by defining the program state after
the call finishes. The method contract is placed above the method
header, and these keywords can only be used in combination with a method
Two useful keywords to define the post-state (i.e. the state after
the method finishes) are \result
to refer to the return
value of the (non-void) method, and \old(expr)
to refer to
the value of expr
before the method's
class Test {
requires x >= 0;
requires y >= 0;
ensures \result == x+y;
ensures \result >= 0;
public int add(int x, int y) {
return x+y;
requires xs != null;
ensures \result != null;
ensures \result.length == \old(xs.length)+1;
ensures \result.length > 0;
public int[] append(int[] xs, int y) {
int[] xsCopy = new int[xs.length + 1];
/* ... */
return xsCopy;
Recall that VerCors analyses methods in isolation, purely based on
their contract and independent from any actual calling contexts. It
tries to prove that if the pre-condition is satisfied before the method
body is executed, then the post-condition holds afterwards. In the
example of the add
method above, if the input
parameters are non-negative, then the result is, too. Note that
the pre-condition x>=0
is not actually required for
executing the method body, but it is necessary to prove the
post-condition. In contrast, in the example of append
, the
pre-condition xs!=null
is actually needed for
to be well-defined, and potentially to
prove absence of null-pointer dereferences in the method body. Note
that, to fully specify the correct behaviour of append
, one
would have to compare the values inside of xs
. Since these values are stored on the heap (and not
on the stack like the reference xs
itself), this would
require access permissions, which will be introduced in the next chapter
Note Method contracts must not have side effects, so
for example calls to (non-pure) methods are forbidden inside contracts.
Pre- and post-conditions are processed in-order, so for example swapping
the order of two pre-conditions could result in a failed verification
(e.g. you need to specify that an integer variable is within range
before you can use it as an array index in another pre-condition). Note
that unsatisfiable pre-conditions (e.g. contradictory conditions, or
simply false
) can lead to unexpected results, because the
implication "if pre-condition before, then post-condition after" becomes
trivially true for any post-condition, and VerCors is able to prove any
arbitrary statement.
Sometimes, the same expression is needed as a pre- and as a
post-condition, for example the fact that a global variable is not null.
In that case, the keyword context
can be used as a
short-hand notation: context xs != null;
stands for
requires xs!=null; ensures xs!=null;
. An even further
reaching short-hand is context_everywhere expr;
, which adds
as a pre- and as a post-condition, as well as a loop
invariant for all loops inside the method body (see below).
When method bodies become more complicated than the toy examples above, it becomes more difficult for VerCors to prove by itself that the post-conditions hold after executing the method, and additional annotations are needed inside the method body to guide the verification. These can take the form of loop invariants, assumptions and assertions, or ghost code. Ghost code can also occur outside of methods, for instance to define helper functions.
Loop invariants are similar to the context
in a method
contracts, but for loops: They specify expressions that must hold before
entering the loop (like a pre-condition), as well as after each loop
iteration, incl. the last iteration (like a post-condition). Loop
invariants use the keyword loop_invariant
and are placed
above the loop header:
//@ requires a>0 && b>0;
//@ ensures \result == a*b;
public int mult(int a, int b) {
int res = 0;
//@ loop_invariant res == i*a;
//@ loop_invariant i <= b;
for (int i=0; i<b; i++) {
res = res + a;
return res;
Let us examine why this program verifies (you can skip this paragraph
if you are familiar with software verification and loop invariants): The
first loop invariant holds before we start the loop, because we
initialise both i
and res
to zero, and
0 == 0*a
is true. Then in each iteration, we increase
by one and res
by a
, so if
res == i*a
held before the iteration, then it will also
hold afterwards. Looking at the second invariant, we see that it holds
before the loop execution because i
is initialised to zero
and b
is required to be greater than zero. To understand
why the invariant holds after each iteration, we also have to consider
the loop condition, i<b
. This condition has to be true
at the beginning of the iteration, otherwise the loop would have stopped
iterating. Since i
and b
are integers and
at the beginning of the iteration, an increment of
by one during the iteration will ensure that at the end
of the iteration, i<=b
still holds. Note that if
or b
were floating point numbers,
might have gone from b-0.5
, and we would not have been able to assert the loop
invariant. Likewise, any increment by more than one could step over
. Only the combination of all these factors lets us assert
the invariant at the end of the loop iteration. When the loop stops
iterating, we know three things: Each of the two loop invariants holds,
and the loop condition does no longer hold (otherwise we would still be
iterating). Note that the combination of the second loop invariant and
the negated loop condition, i<=b && !(i<b)
ensures that i==b
. Combining that with the first invariant
ensures the post-condition of the method.
Remember that VerCors checks for partial correctness, so there is no check whether the loop actually stops iterating at some point. It just asserts that if the loop stops, then the post-condition holds.
As mentioned above, context_everywhere expr;
in the
method contract will implicitly add expr
as a loop
invariant to all loops in the method body. This can be useful
for expressions that hold for the entirety of the method, e.g. in the
case of xs!=null
; but it can also be a subtle cause for
errors if it adds invariants to a loop that were not intended there
(especially in the case of multiple loops). For example, a method to
insert an element into a sorted array may add the new value at the end,
and then step by step restore the ordering of the array; in that case,
adding a sortedness property as context_everywhere
not verify.
Sometimes, VerCors has trouble deriving a post-condition from the
given code and established facts (like pre-conditions), and it requires
explicitly specifying an intermediate step to guide the verification.
VerCors first proves these intermediate steps, and then can use them to
derive the desired facts. This can be done with the keyword
//@ ensures a==0 ? \result == 0 : \result >= 10;
public int mult10(int a) {
int res = a;
if (res < 0) {
res = 0-res;
//@ assert res >= 0;
return 10*res;
(Note that VerCors would be able to verify this example even without
the assertion, but this demonstrates how to use
Tip Assertions can also be useful for debugging: If
VerCors fails to prove the post-condition, adding assert
statements throughout the method body can help to pinpoint where the
verification fails, either because of a shortcoming of VerCors or
because of an actual error in the code. Additionally,
assert false;
should always fail, so if the verification
does not seem to terminate, adding such statements throughout the method
can show where VerCors gets stuck. Finally, remember that a
contradiction e.g. in the pre-conditions can imply anything; even
. So assert false;
can be used to check
that no such contradiction occurred: If it verifies, something went
seriously wrong.
While assertions add additional proof obligations,
assumptions introduce additional facts that VerCors just takes
for granted afterwards, similar to pre-conditions. This is done via the
keyword assume
. This can be dangerous if the assumptions
contradict the actual state of the program:
int x = 2;
//@ assume x == 1;
int y = x + 3;
//@ assert y == 4;
This snippet verifies, even though the actual value of y
at the end is 5. However, based on the (wrong) assumptions that
on Line 2, the assertion holds. Therefore,
assumptions should be used with caution!
Nevertheless, assumptions can be useful, e.g. for debugging purposes. Also, while still being in the process of verifying the code, it can be useful to assume certain basic facts to prove the bigger picture, and then drill deeper and prove that the assumed facts actually hold.
VerCors also supports a refute
statement, which is the
opposite of assert
. Internally, refute expr;
is transformed into assert !(expr);
, i.e. asserting the
negation. Note that a failing assert expr;
is not
equivalent to a successful refute expr;
. For example, if we
know nothing about the value of a variable a
, then both
assert a>0;
and refute a>0;
will fail,
as a
could be greater than zero, but it also could
be less.
For assert, VerCors supports the following alternative syntax:
⊢ expr;
Recall that annotations must never have side-effects on the program state, otherwise the results of methods would be different between VerCors (which takes the annotations into account) and the compiler (which treats them as comments). However, it can be useful to extend the program state, for example introducing additional helper variables to keep track of intermediate results. This helper code, which only exists for the purpose of verification, is called ghost code, and the respective variables form the ghost state.
Ghost code can occur inside method bodies, but also outside, for
instance as global ghost variables. In principle, ghost code can be any
construct that the target language supports; for example when verifying
Java programs, you could define ghost classes, and in C programs, you
may use pointers in ghost code. Additionally, the ghost code can use the
extensions that the specification language adds to the target language,
such as the new type seq<T>
(see section
"Expressions" below).
Keep in mind that ghost code does not exist for the compiler, so it cannot have side effects on the program state, and "real" code cannot refer e.g. to ghost variables. However, it is possible to read from "regular" variables (e.g. to create a ghost variable with the same value).
When using constructs from the target language (such as variable
declarations), the keyword ghost
is required before the use
of the construct.
Here is an example for ghost code inside a method:
requires x>=0 && y>=0;
ensures \result == (x<y ? 5*x : 5*y);
public int minTimes5(int x, int y) {
//@ ghost int min = (x<y ? x : y);
int res = 0;
//@ loop_invariant i<=5;
//@ loop_invariant res == i*min;
//@ loop_invariant min<=x && min<=y && (min==x || min==y);
for (int i=0; i<5; i++) {
if (x<y) {
res = res + x;
} else {
res = res + y;
ghost if (x<y) {
assert res == 5*x;
} else {
assert res == 5*y;
return res;
Note the definition of a ghost variable min
at the
beginning of the method, and the ghost if
statement at its
You can use ghost code not only within methods but also to declare entire ghost methods:
requires x > 0;
ensures \result == (cond ? x+y : x);
static int cond_add(boolean cond, int x, int y) {
if (cond) {
return x+y;
} else {
return x;
//@ requires val1 > 0 && val2>0 && z==val1+val2;
void some_method(int val1, int val2, int z) {
//@ ghost int z2 = cond_add(val2>0, val1, val2);
//@ assert z == z2;
The conditional addition cond_add
is defined as a ghost
method. Otherwise, it looks like any normal method, including having a
method contract (in this case, just a single precondition). Note that
the precondition is not wrapped in the special comment //@
like the precondition of some_method
is, because the entire
ghost method already is inside a special comment /*@
. We
then use this ghost method in the body of some_method
only inside annotations!).
Functions are, in a way, a special kind of ghost methods.
They look like any method, but they are pure by design (as signified by
the keyword pure
) and their body is a single expression
following an =
, rather than a block of statements:
requires x > 0;
pure int cond_add(boolean cond, int x, int y)
= cond ? x+y : x;
Note that the ghost
keyword is not used: It is only
required when using a construct from the target language (e.g.
, variable declarations, etc), not for
specification-internal constructs like defining a function. However,
using a stand-alone call statement to call the function (e.g. invoke a
lemma directly and not in an assert
) still needs the
keyword, as method calls are constructs from the
target language: //@ ghost myLemma();
. The important
distinction to normal methods, apart from the fact that they have just
one expression, is that functions must be pure, i.e. must be without
side-effects, even on the ghost state. Thus, the body cannot
contain for instance calls to non-pure methods.
Remember that in VerCors, only the contract of a method is used to reason about the behaviour of a method call, the actual behaviour of the method body is not taken into account at this point. For functions, this restriction is not as strict: For simple functions like the one above, VerCors actually uses the "real" behaviour of the function to analyse the behaviour of a call to that function. Thus, the behaviour does not need to be specified explicitly in a post-condition, like it does for other methods. However, this only works for simple functions, and for example a recursive function may still need a post-condition specifying its behaviour.
You can also add the pure
keyword to a "real" method.
This indicates that the method does not have side-effects, and can
therefore be used e.g. in method contracts, while still being accessible
by the "real" code. However, for a method to be pure, it has to be
actually without side-effects, therefore only a limited number of
constructs are allowed in methods that are designated pure:
statements, return statements and variable
requires x > 0;
static /*@ pure @*/ int cond_add(boolean cond, int x, int y) {
if (cond) {
return x+y;
} else {
return x;
Ghost functions and methods do not require a body. Sometimes, you are
only interested in the assertions that a function or method gives in its
post-condition, and do not care about the actual implementation. In such
a case, you can omit the body, turning the method or function
abstract. Given that method calls are usually reasoned about
only based on the contract, the call site does not see a difference
between an abstract method and a "real" method. However, this removes
the assurance that it is actually possible to derive the post-condition
from the pre-condition by some computation. Consider a post-condition
: The call site will simply assume that the method
establishes its post-condition, and treat it as a known fact. Normally,
verifying the method body will check that the post-condition is actually
fulfilled; but for an abstract method, this check is missing. Since
implies everything, this can easily lead to
unsoundness. Therefore, from the perspective of correctness, it is
always better to have a body proving that the post-condition can
actually be established based on the pre-condition.
However, making a method abstract relieves VerCors from the effort to check that the method body actually adheres to the contract. Therefore, it can be an interesting option to speed up the re-run of an analysis: Once you proved that a method can indeed derive its post-condition, you can turn the method abstract and focus on other parts of the code without checking this method every time you re-run the analysis.
Syntactically, an abstract method or function has a semicolon in place of its body:
//@ requires a>0 && b>0;
//@ ensures \result == a*b;
public int mult(int a, int b);
// commented out body for the sake of speeding up the analysis:
// int res = 0;
// // loop_invariant res == i*a;
// // loop_invariant i <= b;
// for (int i=0; i<b; i++) {
// res += a;
// }
// return res;
requires a>0 && b>0;
ensures \result == a+b;
public pure int add(int a, int b);
Note that VerCors can also work with abstract methods that are not
ghost methods (like mult
in the example above), but your
compiler may complain about missing method definitions.
Inline functions are like macros in C: You can write an expression
that occurs frequently in your code as a macro and then use it as if it
were a function; but before verifying the program, VerCors replaces
every call to the inline function with the function's body as if you had
written out the body in place of the function call. Therefore, during
the analysis, the "real" behaviour of the function is taken into
account, rather than just the specification of the function's contract.
However, inline functions are only possible if the body of the function
is simple enough; for example a recursive function cannot be used in
that way, otherwise there would be an infinite loop of replacing a
function call with the body, which again contains a call. Inline
functions are declared using the inline
//@ inline pure int min(int x, int y) = (x<y ? x : y);
Note that the inline
keyword is also used for inline
predicates (see chapter "Predicates"),
which are a similar concept.
You can extend the header of an existing method, by adding additional
parameters and return values to a method. This is done by using the
and yields
keywords in the method
contract, respectively. To assign and retrieve the values when calling
the method, use given
and yields
given int x;
given int y;
yields int modified_x;
requires x > 0;
ensures modified_x > 0;
int some_method(boolean real_arg) {
int res = 0;
/* ... */
//@ ghost modified_x = x + 1;
/* ... */
return res;
void other_method() {
//@ ghost int some_ghost;
int some_result = some_method(true) /*@ given {y=3, x=2} @*/ /*@ yields {some_ghost=modified_x} @*/;
There are several points of interest in this example: Note that the
pre- and post-condition of some_method
can reference the
ghost parameter and result just like normal parameters. If the ghost
parameters and results are not just primitive integers, but heap
objects, then permissions are needed to access them, just like with
normal parameters and results (see following
chapter). There is no explicit return
statement for the
ghost result; instead, the ghost result is whatever value the variable
has when the method returns. Therefore, make sure when your method
returns that you always have a defined value assigned to your ghost
result variable! In other_method
, the given
keyword is followed by a list of bindings to the ghost parameters. The
parameters are named, so the assignment can be in any order, and need
not adhere to the order in which the ghost parameters are defined. Make
sure to assign a value to each ghost parameter! Otherwise, the method
will be missing a parameter, just as if you called a method
void foo(int x)
as foo();
. Similarly, the
keyword is followed by a block of bindings that
retrieve the yielded values. The yielded values may only be immediately
assigned to a local variable. The respective local variable,
, must be a ghost variable, otherwise you would
affect the "real" program state from inside an annotation. Note that it
is not required to have an output for every yielded value. Both the
and the yields
are placed in a
specification comment between the method call and the respective
As mentioned above, expressions in specifications are an extension of
the expressions available in the target language. So if you analyse a
Java program, you can use expressions like a&&b
in the specifications just like in Java. However,
specifications must be free of side-effects (on the program state) and
for example calls to non-pure methods are not allowed.
VerCors extends the expressions of the target language by a few more
features that you can use in specifications. One of them is the
implication operator ==>
, which works like you would
expect from a logical implication. A common usage is
requires x!=null ==> <some statement about fields of x>
Note that the implication binds less than equality or conjunction, so
is equivalent to
. You need to explicitly use
parentheses if the operators shall associate differently.
A related new operator is the null-coalescing operator
. It can be used as expr?.fun(args)
, which
is a shorthand for expr!=null ==> expr.fun(args)
. One
use-case, where this comes in handy, is when using predicates in the
place of the function fun
(see chapter "Predicates").
Two other new operators are **
and -*
separation logic. **
is the separating conjunct, while
is the separating implication (or "magic wand"). For
more on this, see the chapters on Permissions
and Magic
The target language is also extended to include new data types. A
simple case is the boolean type bool
, which can be useful
in specifications if the target language has no boolean type (e.g. old
C). If the target language does support boolean (e.g. Java), this is not
needed (but can be used nonetheless). More interestingly, the new types
include generic axiomatic data types such as set<T>
and option<T>
(with T
being a type). For
more information on them and their supported operations (such as getting
the size, and indexing elements), see the respective
An important new type are fractions, frac
. VerCors uses
concurrent separation logic (CSL) to manage the ownership and
permissions to access heap locations. A permission is a value from the
interval (0,1], and the type frac
represents such a value.
To give a value to a variable of type frac
, the new
operator of fractional division can be used: While
indicates the classical integer division, which in this
example gives 0
, using the backslash instead gives a
fraction: 2\3
. For more on this topic, including some
additional keywords for short-hand notations, see the chapter "Permissions".
Sometimes, you might create complicated expressions and want to use
helper variables to simplify them. However, certain constructs only
allow for expressions, and not for statements such as variable
declarations. To alleviate that, there is the \let
construct, which defines a variable just for a single expression:
( \let type name = expr1 ; expr2 )
, where type
is the type of the helper variable, name
its name,
defines its value, and expr2
complicated expression that you can now simplify by using the helper
variable. Example:
//@ assert (\let int abs_x = (x<0 ? -x : x); y==(z==null ? abs_x : 5*abs_x));
Note that most target languages, such as Java and C, support array
types, such as int[]
. Sometimes, you might want to reason
about all elements of the array. To do that, VerCors supports using
quantifiers in the specifications:
(\forall varDecl, varDecl...; cond; expr)
. The syntax is
similar to the header of a for loop: varDecl
declares a
variable (e.g. int i
); cond
is a boolean
expression describing a boundary condition, restricting the declared
variable to the applicable cases (e.g. defining the range of the integer
0<=i && i<arr.length
); and expr
is the boolean expression you are interested in, such as a statement you
want to assert. Note that the parentheses are mandatory. Here is an
example to specify that all elements in the given array are
//@ requires arr != null;
//@ requires (\forall int i ; 0<=i && i<arr.length ; arr[i]>0);
void foo(int[] arr) { /* ... */ }
Note that in practice, you would also have to specify permissions to access the values in the array. More on that in the next chapter.
Tip If you want to quantify over more than one
variable (e.g. saying arr1[i] != arr2[j]
for all
and j
), do not use nesting, this
commonly hurts proof performance. Instead, use a list of bindings:
(\forall int i, int j; 0<=i && i<arr1.length && 0<=j && j<arr2.length; arr1[i]!=arr2[j])
If your boundary condition is an interval (like in the examples
above), you can use the shorter notation
(\forall type name = e1 .. e2 ; expr)
, where
must be an integral type (e.g. int
is the name of the quantified variable,
and e2
are expressions defining the
interval bounds (lower bound inclusive, upper bound exclusive) and
is the expression you are interested in:
(\forall int i = 0 .. arr.length ; arr[i]>0)
. Note that,
depending on the circumstances, spaces are necessary around the
You may freely mix normal bindings and range bindings, and omit the condition as you like. For example, all these quantifiers are equivalent:
(\forall int i, int j; 0 <= i && i < n && i < j && j < n ==> xs[i] < xs[j])
(\forall int i=0..n, int j; i < j && j < n; xs[i] < xs[j])
(\forall int i=0..n, int j=i+1..n; xs[i] < xs[j])
There also is an \exists
quantifier analogous to the
(\exists varDecl, ...; cond; expr)
. For instance, we could
use a similar example as above, but requiring that at least one
array element is positive:
//@ requires arr != null;
//@ requires (\exists int i ; 0<=i && i<arr.length ; arr[i]>0);
void foo(int[] arr) { /* ... */ }
Again, note that in practice, you would also have to specify permissions to access the values in the array.
Note \forall
quantifiers are easier to
reason about than \exists
, because they can be applied
indiscriminately whenever an element is encountered, while
needs to find the element to which it can be
applied. Therefore, \exists
quantifiers are more likely to
cause problems with VerCors (e.g. non-termination of the analysis), and
they should be used with care!
Note: Further sections explain advanced concepts: new users may want to skip those.
In case brevity is needed for readability, you can use the
appropriate unicode symbols instead of \forall
(∀varDecl+; (cond ;)? expr)
(∃varDecl+; (cond ;)? expr)
For \forall*
the following alternative notations are
(∀*varDecl+; (cond ;)? expr)
(✻varDecl+; (cond;)? expr)
The IntelliJ plugin Spec & Math Symbols may be useful to type these symbols.
A quantifier
(\forall int i = 0 .. arr.length ; arr[i]>0)
is a rather
generic piece of knowledge; to apply it to a concrete case, for example
when encountering arr[1]
, the quantifier must be
instantiated. This basically replaces the quantified
variable(s), in this case i
, with concrete values. But this
is only done when necessary, so when the concrete case
is actually encountered. Recognising that the
quantifier must be instantiated was fairly easy in this case, but for
more complex expression it can become rather difficult. In those cases,
VerCors might use heuristics, and even randomisation. This can lead to
VerCors verifying a program successfully, and when you call it again
with the exact same program, the analysis takes forever. So if you
experience such behaviour, quantified expressions are a likely
To avoid that, you can explicitly tell VerCors what kind of
expression should cause instantiating the quantifier, disabling the
internal heuristics. This is called a trigger (or
pattern, e.g. by Z3); for more information see the Viper
tutorial on triggers. In VerCors, to mark a part of an expression as
a trigger, it is enclosed in {:
and :}
//@ requires arr!=null && arr.length>3;
//@ requires (\forall int i ; 0<=i && i<arr.length ; {: arr[i] :} > 0);
void foo(int[] arr) {
assert arr[3]>0; // the trigger recognises "arr[3]" and instantiates the quantifier, setting i to 3
(Again, Permissions were omitted.)
Note that the trigger must involve all quantified variables. So if
you have a quantifier with multiple bindings
(\forall int i, int j; ... ; expr)
, a trigger in
must be about both i
and j
Also note that you cannot use arithmetic expressions or relations as
triggers. Most other operators e.g. about sequences and sets may appear
in triggers. For instance in the example above,
{: arr[i]>0 :}
would not be a valid
Warning A wrong choice of triggers can lead to failed verifications of true statements:
/*@ pure @*/ int f(int a, int b);
//@ requires x>0;
//@ requires (\forall int k ; 0<=k && k<=x ; {: f(k, y) :} == 0);
//@ requires (\forall int k ; 0<=k && k<=x ; {: f(k, y) :} == 0 ==> f(k, z) == 0);
void bar(int x, int y, int z) {
//@ assert f(x, y) == 0; // this assertion verifies, because "f(x,y)" triggers the first quantifier
//@ assert f(x/2, z) == 0; // this assertion fails, even though the quantifiers includes this knowledge
In this example, the first quantifier asserts that
f(x/2, y) == 0
. From that, the second quantifier could
derive f(x/2, z) == 0
, so the second assertion should hold.
However, the second quantifier has no trigger for f(k,z)
so the quantifier does not get instantiated and the knowledge remains
hidden. Removing the trigger around f(k,y)
in the second
quantifier leads to a successful verification, because without explicit
triggers, VerCors' heuristics finds the correct trigger
It is possible to specify multiple triggers for a single quantifier. In this case, the solver requires all triggers to be present before instantiating the quantifier. This also relaxes the requirement that all bindings must occur in a trigger: instead they must collectively occur in the set of all triggers. For example, a quantifier might state a pairwise equality:
(forall int i, int j; 0 <= i && i < |xs| && 0 <= j && j < |ys|; {:xs[i]:} + {:ys[j]:} == i + j)
This quantifier is only instantiated when both a term of the shape
and a term of the shape ys[?]
encountered by the solver. {xs[i], ys[i]}
is also referred
to as a trigger set.
In some cases it is useful to specify multiple trigger sets. In that
case, all terms must be matched of any of the trigger
sets. By default, a trigger is part of trigger set 0
. For
(∀`seq`<T> xs, int i, T t;
0 <= i && i < seq_length(xs) ==> {:1:seq_length({:2:seq_update(xs, i, t):}):} == {:2:seq_length(xs):})
This quantifier is instantiated when a term of the shape
seq_length(seq_update(xs, i, t))
is encountered,
or both a term of the shape seq_update(xs, i, t)
and seq_length(xs)
. In such a case, it is required
that the xs
appearing in both patterns are equal before the
quantifier is instantiated.
Finally, nested quantifiers are essentially instantiated separately:
in principle the inner quantifier is never instantiated, unless the
outer quantifier is instantiated. When specifying a trigger that is not
meant for the innermost quantifier, you can use some number of
symbols to indicate the trigger belongs to the
quantifier that many levels up. For example:
(∀int i; (∀int j; {:<:xs[i]:} == {:xs[j]:}))
We recommend the following sources for more examples and explanations of how triggers work.
This feature is supported for all languages.
This section discusses the basics of handling ownership using a simple toy example. Ownership is used to express whether a thread (or synchronization object) has access to a specific element on the heap. This access can be shared among multiple threads (or synchronization objects), which allows the threads to read the value of this element, or it can be unique to one, in which case the value can written to or read from. Permission annotations are used to express ownership. We start by considering the following simple example program, written in Java:
class Counter {
public int val;
void incr(int n) {
this.val = this.val + n;
If you wish, you can store this file as, say,
, and try to run VerCors on this file by
running vct --silicon counter.java
in a console (assuming
you have VerCors installed). This program currently does not contain any
annotations, but we will eventually annotate the program to verify the
following simple property: after calling the incr
the value of val
has been increased by an amount
. This can be expressed as a postcondition for the
ensures this.val == \old(this.val) + n
. The
expression is used to evaluate an expression in an
earlier state. By default this is in the state as it was just after the
precondition. This is explained further later
However, if you run VerCors on this example, as it is now, you will
see that VerCors fails to verify the correctness of the program and
reports an 'AssignmentFailed: InsufficientPermission' error, since the
caller of the method has insufficient permission to access
. First observe that this.val
shared-memory; there may be other threads that also access the
field, since the field is public. In order to prevent
other threads from accessing this.val
while the calling
thread is executing incr
, we need to specify that threads
may only call c.incr
(on any object c
that is
an instance of Counter
) when they have write
permission for c.val
class Counter {
public int val;
requires Perm(this.val, 1);
ensures Perm(this.val, 1);
ensures this.val == \old(this.val) + n;
void incr(int n) {
this.val = this.val + n;
We added three things to the counter program. The first is a
clause, which is a precondition expressing that
can only be called when the calling thread has
permission to write to val
. The second is an
clause, which is a postcondition expressing that,
given that the incr
function terminates (which is trivial
in the above example), the function returns write permission for
to the thread that made the call to incr
The third is a postcondition that states that after incr
has terminated, the value of this.val
has indeed been
increased by n
. If you run this annotated program with
VerCors, you will see that it now passes. The remainder of this section
mostly focuses on how to use the Perm
Observe that the clause Perm(this.val, 1)
write permission for this.val
. Recall that VerCors has a
very explicit notion of ownership, and that ownership is expressed via
fractional permissions. The second argument to the Perm
predicate is a fractional permission; a rational number
in the range 0 < q <= 1
. The ownership
system in VerCors enforces that all permissions for a shared memory
location together cannot exceed 1
. This implies that, if
some thread has permission 1
for a shared-memory location
at some point, then no other thread can have any permission predicate
for that location at that point, for otherwise the total amount of
permissions for that location exceeds 1
(since fractional
permissions are strictly larger than 0
). For this reason,
we refer to permission predicates of the form Perm(o.f, 1)
as write permissions, and Perm(o.f, q)
q < 1
as read permissions. Threads are only
allowed to read from shared memory if they have read permission for that
shared memory, and may only write to shared memory if they have write
permission. In the above example, the function incr
reads and writes this.val
, which is fine: having write
permission for a field implies having read permission for that
Let us now go a bit deeper into the ownership system of VerCors. If
one has a permission predicate Perm(o.f, q)
, then this
predicate can be split into
Perm(o.f, q\2) ** Perm(o.f, q\2)
. Moreover, a formula of
the form Perm(o.f, q1) ** Perm(o.f, q2)
can be
merged back into Perm(o.f, q1 + q2)
. For example,
if we change the program annotations as shown below, the program still
verifies successfully:
requires Perm(this.val, 1\2) ** Perm(this.val, 1\2);
ensures Perm(this.val, 1\2) ** Perm(this.val, 1\2);
ensures this.val == \old(this.val) + n;
void incr(int n) {
this.val = this.val + n;
For splitting and merging we use the **
operator, which
is known as the separating conjunction, a connective from separation
logic. A formula of the form P ** Q
can be read as:
, and separately Q
", and comes
somewhat close to the standard logical conjunction. In essence,
P ** Q
expresses that the subformulas P
both hold, and in addition, that all ownership resources
in P
and Q
are together disjoint,
meaning that all the permission components together do not exceed
for any field. Consider the formula
Perm(x.f, 1) ** Perm(y.f, 1)
. The permissions for a field
cannot exceed 1
, therefore we can deduce
that x != y
One may also try to verify the following alteration, which obviously
does not pass, since write permission for this.val
needed, but only read permission is obtained via the precondition.
VerCors will again give an 'InsufficientPermission' failure on this
requires Perm(this.val, 1\2);
ensures Perm(this.val, 1\2);
ensures this.val == \old(this.val) + n;
void incr(int n) {
this.val = this.val + n;
If you replace both ownership predicates for
Perm(this.val, 3/2)
, then the tool will report a
'MethodPreConditionUnsound: MethodPreConditionFalse' error because the
precondition can then never by satisfied by any caller, since no thread
can have permission greater than 1
for any shared-memory
location. VerCors is a verification tool for partial
correctness; if the precondition of a method cannot be satisfied
because it is absurd, then the program trivially verifies. To illustrate
this, try to change the precondition into requires false
and see what happens when running VerCors. Note that VerCors does try to
help the user identify these cases by showing a
'MethodPreConditionUnsound' if it can derive that the precondition is
unsatisfiable. But one has to be a bit careful about the assumptions
made on the program as preconditions.
Consider the following variant on our program. Would this verify?
requires Perm(this.val, 1);
ensures this.val == \old(this.val) + n;
void incr(int n) {
this.val = this.val + n;
This program does not verify and gives an 'InsufficientPermission'
failure when given to VerCors. The reason is that, also in the
specifications one cannot read from shared-memory without the required
permissions. In this program, the ensures
clause accesses
, however no ownership for this.val
ensured by the incr
method. Note that, without a notion of
ownership, one cannot establish the postcondition: perhaps some other
thread changed the contents of this.val
while evaluating
the postcondition. By having a notion of ownership, no other thread can
change the contents of this.val
while we evaluate the
postcondition of the call, since no other threads can have resources to
do so.
Moreover, the order of specifying permissions and functional properties does matter. For example, the following program also does not verify, even though it ensures enough permissions to establish the postcondition:
requires Perm(this.val, 1);
ensures this.val == \old(this.val) + n;
ensures Perm(this.val, 1);
void incr(int n) {
this.val = this.val + n;
VerCors enforces that shared-memory accesses are framed by
ownership resources. Before accessing this.val
in the first
clause, the permissions for this.val
must already be known! In the program given above, the access to
in the postcondition is not framed by the
ownership predicate: it comes too late.
So what about the following change? Can VerCors successfully verify the following program?
requires Perm(this.val, 1);
ensures Perm(this.val, 1\2);
ensures this.val == \old(this.val) + n;
void incr(int n) {
this.val = this.val + n;
VerCors is able to verify the example program given above. However,
less permission for this.val
is ensured then is required,
meaning that any thread that calls c.incr
will need to give
up write permission for c.val
, but only receives read
permission back in return, after incr
has terminated. So
this example has a permission leak. Recall that threads need
full permission in order to write to shared heap locations, so
essentially, calling c.incr
has the effect of losing the
ability to ever write to c.val
again. In some cases this
can be problematic, while in other cases this can be helpful, as losing
permissions in such a way causes shared-memory to become read-only,
specification-wise. However, in the scenario given below the permission
leak will prevent successful verification:
requires Perm(this.val, 1);
ensures Perm(this.val, 1\2);
ensures this.val == \old(this.val) + n;
void incr(int n) {
this.val = this.val + n;
requires Perm(this.val, 1);
void incr2(int n) {
In the incr2
method, the first call incr(n)
will consume write permission for this.val
, but only
produce read permission in return. Therefore, the requirements of the
second call incr(n)
cannot be satisfied, which causes the
verification to be unsuccessful.
We end the section by mentioning some notational enhancements for
handling permissions. Instead of writing Perm(o.f, 1)
, one
may also write Perm(o.f, write)
, which is perhaps a more
readable way to express write permission for o.f
Similarly, one can write Perm(o.f, read)
to express a
non-zero read permission. Note that if this is used in a pre- and
postcondition, it is not guaranteed to be the same amount of
permissions. The underlying amount of permissions is an unspecified
fraction and can therefore not be merged back into a write permission.
This can be observed in the following program where the
class Counter {
int val;
requires Perm(this.val, write);
ensures Perm(this.val, write);
ensures this.val == \old(this.val) + n;
void incr(int n) {
int oldValue = getValue();
//@ assert Perm(this.val, write);
this.val = oldValue + n;
requires Perm(this.val, read);
ensures Perm(this.val, read);
ensures \result == this.val;
int getValue() {
return this.val;
is mostly useful for specifying immutable data
structures. One can also write Value(o.f)
to express read
permission to o.f
, where the value of the fractional
permission does not matter. Consequently, Value
predicates can be split indefinitely.
If you instead want to express that you require some non-zero amount
of read permission and that the same amount of permission is returned
you an either add a ghost parameter of type frac
which must
be provided at every call site to specify the amount of available read
permission, or you can use AutoValue(o.f)
. Similarly to
, AutoValue
expresses that some amount of
read permission is required. However, unlike Value
amount of read permission is removed when AutoValue
exhaled, it merely checks that there exists some amount of read
permission. When the AutoValue
in a precondition is inhaled
you gain a symbolic non-zero, non-write amount of read permission which
must be exhaled at the end of the context again. If the same
expression does not appear in the postcondition
an automatic leak check is added. Usage looks like this (unlike the
previous example the assert now passes):
class Counter {
int val;
requires Perm(this.val, write);
ensures Perm(this.val, write);
ensures this.val == \old(this.val) + n;
void incr(int n) {
int oldValue = getValue();
//@ assert Perm(this.val, write);
this.val = oldValue + n;
requires AutoValue(this.val);
ensures AutoValue(this.val);
ensures \result == this.val;
int getValue() {
return this.val;
[!NOTE] Note that
may only be used in combination with**
,\let .. in ..
, and.. ? .. : ..
. For the implication, let, and ternary expressions theAutoValue
may only appear on the right-hand side and in the postcondition the left-hand side will automatically be wrapped in\old(_)
because the leak check must always occur at the end of the scope to prevent unsoundness.
If you want to express that a thread has no ownership over a certain
heap element, then one can use the keyword none
, e.g.
Perm(o.f, none)
. This is equivalent to writing
. It can be useful in situations where the amount of
permission is conditional, e.g.
Perm(o.f, cond ? 1\2 : none)
If you want to express permissions to multiple locations, one may use
\forall* vars; range; expr
. For example,
(\forall* int j; j >= 0 && j < array.length; Perm(array[j], write)
denotes that the thread has write access to all elements in
. It is equivalent to writing
Perm(array[0], write) ** Perm(array[1], write) ** … ** Perm(array[array.length-1], write)
Another way to specify permissions of all array elements is to use
Perm(array[*], write)
which is equivalent to the previous
If you want to reason about the value that the variable refers to as
well then you can use PointsTo(var, p, val)
which denotes
that you have permission p
for variable var
which has value val
. It is similar to saying
Perm(var, p)
and var == val
As mentioned earlier, you can use \old(_)
to evaluate an
expression in an older state. By state here we mean strictly the heap,
and not any local variables. By default, the \old
uses the heap just after the precondition as the heap to evaluate the
expression in. You can specify a different heap with
, where l
is either a ghost label
(//@ ghost label l
) or a regular label in your input
As an example, consider the following method:
class Obj { int f; }
context Perm(x.f, write) ** Perm(y.f, write);
void test(Obj x, Obj y) {
Obj z = x;
y.f = 2;
label a;
z.f = 30;
label b;
z.f = 400;
label c;
z = y;
z.f = 3000;
label d;
z.f + // (1)
z.f + // (2)
z.f + // (3)
z.f + // (4)
z.f // (5)
) == 6006;
Any time that an expression uses the heap to evaluate itself, we look
where the nearest \old
expression is. For us, that is:
above it, so it is simply the current
as its closest parent
, so it is evaluated in the heap at label
, which is the same heap
that (1) is evaluated withNow, why is the answer 6006
? This is because the
expression z.f
is evaluated with an old heap, but
not with an older value of the variable z
. Thus:
it only counts that z
aliases the same object as
when we enter the assertion. The value for
at all our heaps are, repspectively:
y.f == 2
, since we just assigned ity.f == 2
, since an assignment to x
no effect on y
y.f == 2
, idemy.f == 3000
, since we just assigned ity.f == 3000
still, since the heap at (1) is the
same heap as at label d
[!NOTE] This is just an illustrative example, and as a matter of style you should try to keep the expression you evaluate in an
as small as possible. Certainly it should not be necessary to nest them.
Another important detail is how \old
interacts with
. (In case you are reading this tutorial in
order, you can come back to this section after reading about
predicates). The intuition is that \unfolding
takes the
current heap, and temporarily unfolds a predicate while its body is
evaluated, whereas \old
discards the current heap and
replaces it with a different one. The consequence of this is that
nesting them can lead to unexpected effects:
nested in an \old
: first the
has replaced the current heap, after which the
unfolds a predicate in the old heap\old
nested in an \unfolding
: first the
unfolds a predicate in the current heap, but
this action is thrown away by \old
, since it replaces the
entire heap.An example of the second situation is a program like this:
class Problem {
int x;
resource state() = Perm(x, 1);
requires state();
// [-
ensures state() ** (\unfolding state() \in (x == \old(x) + 1));
// -]
// ERROR: There may be insufficient permission to access this field here
void inc() {
unfold state();
fold state();
It is clear what the intended behaviour is: we simply want to relate
the value of x
between the pre- and postcondition, so we
temporarily unfold it and compare the values. This does not work,
because the \old
nested under \unfolding
replaces the whole heap with a heap as it was just past the
precondition. In this heap, we can derive from the precondition that it
just contains state()
, so we do not have permission to
The solution is to unfold twice: once in the current heap, and once in the old heap. We first have to enter the old heap before we unfold its state.
class Solution {
int x;
resource state() = Perm(x, 1);
requires state();
ensures state() ** (\unfolding state() \in x) == \old((\unfolding state() \in x)) + 1;
// Verified
void inc() {
unfold state();
fold state();
This section explains how to verify GPGPU programs in VerCors. The tool supports both OpenCL and CUDA languages. The synchronization feature (i.e., barrier) in these languages is also supported by VerCors. To demonstrate GPGPU verification, we show two examples in both OpenCl and CUDA, one without barrier and the other one with barrier.
This simple method shows an OpenCL program that adds two arrays and stores the result in another array:
#include <opencl.h>
/* 1 */ /*@
context \pointer_index(a, get_global_id(0), read);
context \pointer_index(b, get_global_id(0), read);
context \pointer_index(c, get_global_id(0), write);
ensures c[get_global_id(0)] == a[get_global_id(0)] + b[get_global_id(0)];
/* 7 */ __kernel void openCLAdd(int a[], int b[], int c[]) {
/* 8 */ int tid = get_global_id(0);
/* 9 */ c[tid] = a[tid] + b[tid];
/* 10 */ }
and this method shows the same example in CUDA:
#include <cuda.h>
/* 1 */ /*@
context \pointer_index(a, threadIdx.x, read);
context \pointer_index(b, threadIdx.x, read);
context \pointer_index(c, threadIdx.x, write);
ensures c[threadIdx.x] == a[threadIdx.x] + b[threadIdx.x];
/* 7 */ __global__ void CUDAAdd(int a[], int b[], int c[]) {
/* 8 */ int tid = threadIdx.x;
/* 9 */ c[tid] = a[tid] + b[tid];
/* 10 */ }
In both examples, first we should include the header files (i.g., opencl.h and cuda.h). Next we obtain thread identifiers and then each thread does the computation (lines 8-9 of OpenCL and 8-9 of CUDA examples). As we can see obtaining the global thread identifiers are different in OpenCL and CUDA.
In the specification of the methods, we specify read permission for each thread in arrays "a" and "b" and write permission in array "c" as pre- and postcondition. The keyword "\pointer_index" is used with three arguments, array name, index and permission to indicate which thread has what permission to which location. Finally in the last postcondition we specify the result of the methods that each location in array "c" contains the sum of the values in the corresponding locations in arrays "a" and "b". Note that in the specification we can use the shorthand keyword "\gid" instead of "get_global_id(0)" and "threadIdx.x" in the tool.
Note: In CUDA, to compute the global id, normally
is combined with blockDim
Unfortunately, blockDim
is not yet supported in VerCors, so
the examples in this chapter only use threadIdx
In GPU programming, when there is only one thread block, there is a mechanism to sunchronize threads. This example shows an OpenCL program that uses barrier to synchronize threads:
#include <opencl.h>
/* 1 */
/* 2 */
/* 3 */ /*@
context_everywhere opencl_gcount == 1;
context_everywhere array != null && array.length == size;
requires get_local_id(0) != size-1 ==> \pointer_index(array, get_local_id(0)+1, 1\2);
requires get_local_id(0) == size-1 ==> \pointer_index(array, 0, 1\2);
ensures \pointer_index(array, get_local_id(0), 1);
ensures get_local_id(0) != size-1 ==> array[get_local_id(0)] == \old(array[get_local_id(0)+1]);
ensures get_local_id(0) == size-1 ==> array[get_local_id(0)] == \old(array[0]);
/* 12 */ __kernel void openCLLeftRotation(int array[], int size) {
/* 13 */ int tid = get_local_id(0);
/* 14 */ int temp;
/* 15 */ if(tid != size-1){
/* 16 */ temp = array[tid+1];
/* 17 */ }else{
/* 18 */ temp = array[0];
/* 19 */ }
/* 20 */
/* 21 */ /*@
requires get_local_id(0) != size-1 ==> \pointer_index(array, get_local_id(0)+1, 1\2);
requires get_local_id(0) == size-1 ==> \pointer_index(array, 0, 1\2);
ensures \pointer_index(array, get_local_id(0), 1);
/* 26 */ barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
/* 27 */
/* 28 */ array[tid] = temp;
/* 29 */ }
And this is the CUDA version of the example:
#include <cuda.h>
/* 1 */
/* 2 */
/* 3 */ /*@
context_everywhere opencl_gcount == 1;
context_everywhere array.length == size;
requires threadIdx.x != size-1 ==> \pointer_index(array, threadIdx.x+1, 1\2);
requires threadIdx.x == size-1 ==> \pointer_index(array, 0, 1\2);
ensures \pointer_index(array, threadIdx.x, 1);
ensures threadIdx.x != size-1 ==> array[threadIdx.x] == \old(array[threadIdx.x+1]);
ensures threadIdx.x == size-1 ==> array[threadIdx.x] == \old(array[0]);
/* 12 */ __global__ void CUDALeftRotation(int array[], int size) {
/* 13 */ int tid = threadIdx.x;
/* 14 */ int temp;
/* 15 */ if(tid != size-1){
/* 16 */ temp = array[tid+1];
/* 17 */ }else{
/* 18 */ temp = array[0];
/* 19 */ }
/* 20 */
/* 21 */ /*@
requires threadIdx.x != size-1 ==> \pointer_index(array, threadIdx.x+1, 1\2);
requires threadIdx.x == size-1 ==> \pointer_index(array, 0, 1\2);
ensures \pointer_index(array, threadIdx.x, 1);
/* 26 */ __syncthreads();
/* 27 */
/* 28 */ array[tid] = temp;
/* 29 */ }
The above examples illustrate GPU programs that rotates the elements of an array to the left. Each thread ("tid") stores its right neighbor in a temporary location (i.e., "temp"), except thread "size-1" which stores the first element in the array (lines 15-19). Then each thread synchronizes in a barrier (line 26). After that, each thread writes the value read into its own location at index "tid" in the array (line 28).
We specify that there is only one thread block in the specification of the programs using the keyword "opencl_gcount" (the first precondition). The precondition of the barrier follows from the precondition of the function and the computations before the barrier. If the precondition of the barrier holds, the postcondition can be assumed after the barrier. Then, the postcondition of the method can follow from the postcondition of the barrier. Note that in the specification we can use the shorthand keyword "\lid" instead of "get_local_id(0)" and "threadIdx.x" in the tool.
This section discusses axiomatic data types supported by VerCors.
Axiomatic data types are data types that are defined by a set of uninterpreted functions and axioms that define the behavior of these functions. This is in contrast to concrete data types which are defined by their implementation in a programming language such as Java or C++. Axiomatic datatypes are not to be confused with algebraic datatypes.
In the sections below, we are going to go over all ADTs supported by VerCors, give the definition of each, and show examples of common operations defined on them. A reference table can be found at the end showing all the operations defined on the ADTs.
The axiomatizations used by VerCors and its back end Viper can be found here (for sequences sets and bags) and here (for the other ADTs).
Finally, it is also possible to create custom ADTs, though with limited syntax support. This is discussed at the end of this section.
Sequences are an ordered/enumerated collection also commonly referred to as lists. Sequences are finite and immutable (i.e. once created they cannot be altered).
There are two ways to construct a sequence: the explicit syntax and
the implicit syntax. The explicit syntax requires the type of the
sequence to be explicitly defined. For example, s1
is a
sequence of integers initialized with the values 1, 2 and 3 and
is an empty sequence of integers.
seq<int> s1 = seq<int> { 1, 2, 3 };
seq<int> s2 = seq<int> { };
The implicit syntax is a shorter syntax. If the sequence is
initialized with at least one value (using the implicit syntax), VerCors
infers the type of the sequence. An empty sequence can be constructed by
providing the type of the sequence. For example, s3
equivalent to s1
and s4
is equivalent to
. Notice how there is no space between [
, this is mandated by the VerCors grammar.
seq<int> s3 = [ 1, 2, 3 ];
seq<int> s4 = [t: int ];
Once we have a sequence, we can query different properties of that
sequence. The syntax s5[i]
can be used to retrieve the
element at index i
from sequence s5
. The
notation s5.head
is shorthand for s5[0]
. The
length of a sequence s5
can be obtained by using the
notation |s5|
. Two sequences can be compared using the
operator where they are equal iff they are of the same
length and the elements at the same indices are equal.
seq<int> s5 = [ 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 ];
assert s5[3] == 8;
assert |s5| == 5;
assert s5 == seq<int> { 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 };
As mentioned above sequences are immutable, however it is possible to construct a new sequence from an existing sequence.
Elements can be added to a sequence in two ways. The first way is by
concatenating two sequences s6 + s7
. This expression
represents a new sequence with the elements of s6
by the elements of s7
. The second way is to add a single
value to the front of a sequence. The syntax e::s6
is used
to prepend e
at the front of s6
seq<int> s6 = [ 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 ];
assert 0::s6 == [ 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 ];
seq<int> s7 = [ 32, 64, 128 ];
assert s6 + s7 == [ 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 ];
It is also possible to take a subsequence from an existing sequence.
The syntax s8[i..j]
is used to take the elements from
from index i
to index j
(exclusive). By omitting either the lower bound or upper bound, one can
take or drop from a sequence. The notation s8.tail
can be
used as a shorthand for s8[1..]
seq<int> s8 = [ 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 ];
assert s8[1..4] == [ 2, 4, 8 ];
assert s8[..2] == [ 1, 2 ];
assert s8.tail == s8[1..];
Sortedness is a property that is often used in the verification of sorting algorithms. The sortedness property for a sequence of integers could be defined as follows:
pure boolean sorted(seq<int> xs) = (\forall int i ; 0 <= i && i < |xs|-1; xs[i] <= xs[i+1]);
Another property on sequences is the uniqueness of the elements. This property could be expressed for a sequence of integers as follows:
pure boolean distinct(seq<int> s) =
(\forall int i; 0 <= i && i < s.length;
(\forall int j; 0 <= j && j < s.length && s[i] == s[j]; i == j)
Recursive functions are often used to transform or reduce a sequence. The example below goes over a sequence to get its maximum value. This function could be defined for a sequence of integers as follows:
requires |xs| > 0;
ensures (\forall int i; 0 <= i && i < |xs|; xs[i] <= \result);
pure int max(seq<int> xs) =
1 == |xs| ?
(xs[0] > max(xs[1..]) ?
Sets are an unordered collection with unique values. Sets are finite and immutable (i.e. once created they cannot be altered).
Similar to sequences, there are two ways to construct a set: the
explicit syntax and the implicit syntax. The explicit syntax requires
the type of the set explicitly defined. For example, s1
a set of integers initialized with the values 1, 2 and 3 and
is an empty set of integers.
set<int> s1 = set<int> { 1, 2, 3, 2 };
set<int> s2 = set<int> { };
The implicit syntax is a shorter syntax. If the set is initialized
with at least one value (using the implicit syntax), VerCors infers the
type of the set. An empty set can be constructed by providing the type
of the set. For example, s3
is equivalent to
and s4
is equivalent to s2
Notice how there is no space between {
and t
this is mandated by the VerCors grammar.
set<int> s3 = { 1, 2, 2, 3 };
set<int> s4 = {t: int };
Once we have a set, we can query different properties of that set.
The length of a set s5
can be obtained by using the
notation |s5|
. Two set s6
and s7
can be compared using the ==
operator where they are equal
iff all elements of s6
are in s7
and all
elements of s7
are in s6
. The syntax
e1 \in s8
is used to check if set s8
the element e1
. The <
operators denote the strict subset and subset
operators respectively.
set<int> s5 = { 1, 2, 2, 3 };
set<int> s6 = { 3, 4, 5, 6 };
set<int> s7 = { 1, 2 };
set<int> s8 = { 2, 3 };
int e1 = 3;
assert |s5| == 3;
assert s6 != s7;
assert e1 \in s8;
assert s8 < s5;
As mentioned above sets are immutable, however it is possible to construct a new set from an existing set.
There are several operations defined on sets that are part of set
theory. The union of two sets is denoted by s5 + s6
, the
difference between two sets is denoted by s5 - s6
and the
intersection of two sets is denoted by s5 * s6
set<int> s5 = { 1, 2, 2, 3 };
set<int> s6 = { 3, 4, 5, 6 };
assert s5 + s6 == { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };
assert s5 - s6 == { 1, 2 };
assert s6 - s5 == { 4, 5, 6};
assert s5 * s6 == { 3 };
Please note that set comprehensions are currently not supported.
An advanced way to create a set is using set comprehension.
The syntax is set<T> { main | variables; selector }
and consists of three parts: the main
, the
and the selector
The variables
are the variables that are quantified over
and these variables can be bound or unbound. From the quantified
variables, we can select specific values by using the
expression. This is a Boolean expression that
selects (a part of) the quantified variables. With the selected set of
variables to quantify over, we express the value that is going to be
part of the resulting set using the main
For example, we can construct the set of all even integers from 0 to 9 as follows:
set<int> {x | int x <- {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}; x % 2 == 0};
To use more complex main
expressions (i.e. non-identity
functions), it is recommended to wrap the expression in a function and
use that function in the main
expression. For example,
suppose we have a set of integers from 0 to 5 (inclusive) and we want to
construct the set of integers where each element is doubled, we could
use set comprehension as follows:
class SetComp {
requires 0 <= j && j < 5;
void myMethod(int j) {
set<int> a = set<int> {SetComp.plus(x, x) | int x; x >= 0 && x <= 5 };
assert plus(1, 1) in a;
assert plus(j, j) in a;
pure int plus(int a, int b) = a+b;
Here we define a function plus
to wrap the expression
and use an invokation of the plus
as the main
of our set comprehension.
A bag (also called a multiset) is an unordered collection. They are equivalent to sequences without order, or sets with duplicates. Bags are finite and immutable (i.e. once created they cannot be altered).
Similar to sequences and sets, there are two ways to construct a bag:
the explicit syntax and the implicit syntax. The explicit syntax
requires the type of the bag explicitly defined. For example,
is a bag of integers initialized with the values 1, 2, 2
and 3 and b2
is an empty bag of integers.
bag<int> b1 = bag<int> { 1, 2, 3, 2 };
bag<int> b2 = bag<int> { };
The implicit syntax is a shorter syntax. If the bag is initialized
with at least one value (using the implicit syntax), VerCors infers the
type of the bag. An empty bag can be constructed by providing the type
of the bag. For example, b3
is equivalent to
and b4
is equivalent to b2
Notice how there is no space between b{
and t
this is mandated by the VerCors grammar.
bag<int> b3 = b{ 1, 2, 2, 3 };
bag<int> b4 = b{t: int };
Once we have a bag, we can query different properties of that bag.
The length of a bag b5
can be obtained by using the
notation |b5|
. The syntax e1 \in b6
is used to
get the multiplicity (or number of occurrences) of an element
in the bag b6
. Two bags b7
can be compared using the ==
operator where
they are equal iff for all elements e2
, the multiplicity of
in b7
and b8
are equal. The
and <=
operators denote the strict
subset and subset operators respectively.
bag<int> b5 = b{ 1, 2, 2, 3 };
bag<int> b6 = b{ 3, 4, 5, 6, 5 };
bag<int> b7 = b{ 1, 2, 3, 2, 2, 6 };
bag<int> b8 = b{ 6, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3 };
int e1 = 5;
assert |b5| == 4;
assert (e1 \in b6) == 2;
assert b5 <= b7 && b5 < b8;
assert b7 == b8;
As mentioned above bags are immutable, however it is possible to construct a new bag from an existing bag.
The union of two bags is denoted by b9 + b10
, the
difference between two bags is denoted by b11 - b12
and the
intersection of two bags is denoted by b13 * b14
bag<int> b9 = bag<int> { 3 };
bag<int> b10 = bag<int> { 3, 4 };
bag<int> b11 = bag<int> { 1, 2, 2, 3 };
bag<int> b12 = bag<int> { 2, 3, 3, 4 };
bag<int> b13 = bag<int> { 1, 1, 2, 3 };
bag<int> b14 = bag<int> { 2, 3, 3, 4 };
assert b9 + b10 == bag<int> { 3, 3, 4 };
assert b12 - b11 == bag<int> { 3, 4 };
assert b11 - b12 == bag<int> { 1, 2 };
assert b13 * b14 == bag<int> { 2, 3 };
Maps are an unordered, collection of key/value pairs with unique keys. Maps are finite and immutable (i.e. once created they cannot be altered).
A map can be constructed using the syntax
map<K,V> { k1 -> v1, k2 -> v2, ...}
. This
syntax constructs a map with keys/value pairs (k1, v1)
(k2, v2)
(of type K
and type V
respectively). An empty map can be constructed by declaring no key/value
map<int, boolean> m1 = map<int,boolean>{1 -> true, 2 -> true, 0 -> false};
map<int, boolean> m2 = map<int,boolean>{1 -> true, 2 -> true, 0 -> false, 1 -> false, 1 -> true};
assert m1 == m2;
Once we have a map, we can query different properties of that map.
Given a key k1
, we can get its associated value in map
using the syntax m1[k1]
. The cardinality/size of the map can be queried
using the syntax |m1|
or m1.size
. The size of
a map is equivalent to the size of its key set. The key, value and
key/value pair sets can be obtained using the notations
, m1.values
and m1.items
map<int, boolean> m1 = map<int,boolean>{1 -> true, 2 -> true, 0 -> false};
assert |m1| == 3;
assert m1[0] == false;
assert m1[1] == true;
assert m1[2] == true;
assert m1.keys == { 1, 2, 0 };
assert m1.values == { true, false };
assert tuple<int, boolean> { 0, false } \in m1.items;
assert tuple<int, boolean> { 1, true } \in m1.items;
assert tuple<int, boolean> { 2, true } \in m1.items;
We can add a key/value pair (k4, v4)
to the map
using the syntax m4.add(k4, v4)
. If the key
was already present in m4
, its value gets updated. We can
also remove a key k5
from a map m5
using the
function m5.remove(k5)
map<int, int> m1 = map<int,int>{};
map<int, int> m2 = m1.add(1, 1).add(2, 4).add(3, 9);
map<int, int> m3 = m2.remove(2);
map<int, int> m4 = m3.remove(3).remove(1);
assert |m1| == 0;
assert m2[1] == 1;
assert m2[2] == 4;
assert m2[3] == 9;
assert !(2 \in m3.keys);
assert m3[1] == 1;
assert m3[3] == 9;
assert |m4| == 0;
A tuple is an ordered, immutable collection containing exactly two elements.
A tuple can be constructed using the syntax
tuple<F,S> { fst, snd }
. This syntax constructs a
tuple with the first value fst
of type F
the second value snd
of type S
. A tuple can
also be deconstructed into its first and second value by using the
functions t2.fst
and t2.snd
respectively. For
example, a tuple t1
with values (1, false)
constructed as:
tuple<int, boolean> t1 = tuple<int, boolean> { 1, false };
assert t1.fst == 1;
assert t1.snd == false;
The option data type is a container that either represents the presence of an element in the container or the absence of it.
An option type can be constructed with the constructors
or None
. The constructor
represents the presence of the value e
in the option type and the constructor None
represents the
absence of an element.
option<int> o1 = None;
option<int> o2 = Some(3);
Option types can be compared to each other where two options
and o4
are equivalent iff they both contain
an element e3
and e4
respectively and
equals e4
, or both are empty.
option<int> o3 = Some(6);
option<int> o4 = Some(6);
option<int> o5 = Some(1);
option<int> o6 = None;
assert o3 == o4;
assert o4 != o5;
assert o5 != o6;
The tables below are a reference for all the functions/operations that are defined on the different ADTs.
Short Description | Return type | Syntax |
Constructor | seq<T> |
seq<T> { e1, e2, ... } Constructs a sequence with elements of type T initiliazed with values
e1 , e2 , etc. When the sequence is not
initialized, an empty sequence is constructed. |
Constructor | seq<T> |
[ e1, e2, ... ] Constructs a sequence with elements of type T initiliazed with values e1 ,
e2 , etc. This syntax requires the sequence to be
initialized. |
Constructor | seq<T> |
[t: T ] Constructs an empty sequence with element of type T |
Length | int |
` |
Empty | boolean |
s1.isEmpty Returns whether ` |
Comparison | boolean |
s1 == s2 Returns true if
s1 and s2 are equivalent |
Concatenation | seq<T> |
s1 + s2 or s1.concat(s2) Denotes the sequence with elements from s1 followed by the elements of
s2 |
Contains | boolean |
e \in xs or xs.contains(e) . True if
e is in xs . |
Indexing | T |
s1[i] Returns the element at index i of
sequence s1 |
Head | T |
s1.head Returns the first element of sequence s1 |
Tail | seq<T> |
s1.tail Denotes the sequence with the elements from s1 excluding the first element |
Prepend | seq<T> |
x::xs or xs.prepend(x) Denotes the sequence with elements of xs prepended with the element
x |
Slicing | seq<T> |
s1[i..j] or s1.slice(i, j) Denotes the subsequence of sequence s1 from index i until
index j (exclusive) |
Dropping | seq<T> |
s1[i..] or s1.drop(i) Denotes the subsequence starting at i |
Taking | seq |
s1[..j] or s1.take(j) Denotes the subsequence of the first j elements |
Updating | seq<T> |
s1[i -> v] or
s1.update(i, v) Denotes the sequence with elements from s1 where index i has been updated to value
v |
Removing | seq |
s1.removeAt(i) Denotes the sequence where the element at index i is removed. Equivalent to
s1[..i] + s1[i+1..] |
Summation | int | (\sum int i; low <=i && i< up; s1[i]); Sum the elements of a sequence of integers s1 between the
indices low and up (exclusive) |
Short Description | Return type | Syntax |
Constructor | set<T> |
set<T> { e1, e2, ... } Constructs a set with elements of type T initiliazed with values e1 ,
e2 , etc. When the set is not initialized, an empty set is
constructed. |
Constructor | set<T> |
{ e1, e2, ... } Constructs a set with elements of type T initiliazed with values e1 ,
e2 , etc. This syntax requires the set to be
initiliazed. |
Constructor | set<T> |
{t: T } Constructs an empty set with element of type T |
Length | int |
` |
Empty | boolean |
s1.isEmpty Returns whether ` |
Comparison | boolean |
s1 == s2 Returns true if
s1 and s2 are equivalent |
Membership | boolean |
e \in s1 or s1.contains(e) Returns true if the value e is in the set
s1 |
Set Union | set<T> |
s1 + s2 or s1.union(s2) Denotes the set of all elements from sets s1 and s2 of the
same type T |
Set Difference | set<T> |
s1 - s2 or s1.difference(s2) Denotes the set of all elements from set s1 that are not in set
s2 |
Subset | boolean |
s1 <= s2 or s1.subsetOf(s2) Returns true if set s1 is a subset of set
s2 |
Strict Subset | boolean |
s1 < s2 or
s1.strictSubsetOf(s2) Returns true if set
s1 is a strict subset of set s2 |
Intersection | set<T> |
s1 * s2 or s1.intersect(s2) Denotes the set of all elements that are both in sets s1 and
s2 |
Set Comprehension | set<T> |
`set |
Short Description | Return type | Syntax |
Constructor | bag<T> |
bag<T> { e1, e2, ... } Constructs a bag with elements of type T initiliazed with values e1 ,
e2 , etc. When the bag is not initialized, an empty bag is
constructed. |
Constructor | bag<T> |
b{ e1, e2, ... } Constructs a bag with elements of type T initiliazed with values e1 ,
e2 , etc. This syntax requires the bag to be
initiliazed. |
Constructor | bag<T> |
b{t: T } Constructs an empty bag with element of type T |
Length | int |
` |
Empty | boolean |
b1.isEmpty Returns whether ` |
Multiplicity | int |
e \in b1 or b1.count(e) Returns the number of occurrences of value e in bag
b1 |
Comparison | boolean |
b1 == b2 Returns true if
b1 and b2 are equivalent |
Bag Union | bag<T> |
b1 + b2 or b1.sum(b2) Denotes the bag of all elements from bags b1 and b2 of the
same type T |
Bag Difference | bag<T> |
b1 - b2 or b1.difference(b2) Denotes the bag of all elements from bag b1 that are not in bag
b2 |
Subset | boolean |
b1 <= b2 or b1.subbagOf(b2) Returns true if bag b1 is a subset of bag
b2 |
Strict Subset | boolean |
b1 < b2 or
b1.strictSubbagOf(b2) Returns true if bag
b1 is a strict subset of bag b2 |
Intersection | bag<T> |
b1 * b2 or b1.intersect(b2) Denotes the bag of all elements that are both in bags b1 and
b2 |
Short Description | Return type | Syntax |
Constructor | map<K,V> |
map<K,V> { k1 -> v1, k2 -> v2, ...} Constructs a map with key-value pairs of type K and V
respectively initiliazed with pairs k1,v1 ,
k2,v2 , etc. |
Build/Add | map<K,V> |
m1.add(k1, v1) Adds the key/value pair (k1,v1) to the map m1 . If the key is already
present in m1 , update the value of the key. |
GetByKey | V |
m1.get(k1) or map[k1] Gets the value mapped by the key k1 from the map m1 . |
Remove | map<K,V> |
m1.remove(k1) Removes the key k1 and
its associated value from the map m1 . |
Length | int |
m1.size or ` |
Empty | boolean |
m1.isEmpty Returns whether ` |
Comparison | boolean |
m1.equals(m2) or m1 == m2 Returns true if the keysets of m1 and m2
are equivalent and the keys map to the same values. |
Key Set | set<K> |
m1.keys Returns a set of keys in map m1 |
Value Set | set<V> |
m1.values Returns a set of the values in map m1 |
Item Set | set<tuple<K,V>> |
m1.items Returns a set of tuples corresponding to the key-value pairs in map m1 |
Disjoint | boolean |
m1.disjoint(m2) Returns true if no key
is in both the key set of m1 and the key set of
m2 . |
Short Description | Return type | Syntax |
Constructor | tuple<F,S> |
tuple<F,S> {fst, snd} Construct a tuple with first element fst (of type F ) and second
element snd (of type S ) |
Get First Element | F |
t.fst Get the first element of the tuple t (of type tuple<F,S> ) |
Get Second Element | S |
t.snd Get the second element of the tuple t (of type tuple<F,S> ) |
Short Description | Return type | Syntax |
Constructor | option<T> |
Some(e) Constructs an option which contains the element e of type T |
Constructor | option<T> |
None Returns the option None |
Getter | T |
e.get Returns the value contained in the option if it is filled |
Getter | T |
e.getOrElse(t) Returns the value contained in the option, t otherwise |
Comparison | boolean |
o1 == o2 Returns true if the element
contained in the option o1 is equivalent to the element
wrapped in the option o2 , or both are empty |
ADTs can be useful to provide VerCors with domain-specific assumptions. For example, a custom int-tuple ADT can be defined in PVL as follows:
adt MyTuple cons(int l, int r);
pure MyTuple int left(MyTuple t);
pure int right(MyTuple t);
axiom (\forall int l, int r; left(cons(l, r)) == l);
axiom (\forall int l, int r; right(cons(l, r)) == r);
axiom (\forall int l1, int l2, int r1, int r2;
(cons(l1, r1) == cons(l2, r2)) ==> (l1 == l2 && r1 == r2));
void testTuple(MyTuple t) {
assert MyTuple.cons(1, 2) == MyTuple.cons(1, 2);
assert MyTuple.cons(1, 2) != MyTuple.cons(3, 4);
Note however that it is easy to make mistakes and define axioms from which false can be derived. If this happens, and your custom ADT is used in your code or contracts, from that point on VerCors assumes false, which makes every proof obligation after that point trivial to prove. Furthermore, when writing quantifiers in ADTs it is important to also define triggers. VerCors and its backend can often infer some trigger, but these are usually suboptimal.
Custom ADTs are supported in all frontends.
This tutorial explains how to specify arrays and pointers in vercors. Java and PVL support arrays, whereas C and the GPGPU frontends only support pointers. The tutorial assumes you are familiar with arrays and pointers already.
We have learned already how to specify ownership of variables on the heap. Arrays generalize this concept by treating each element of the array as a separate location on the heap. For example, you might specify:
requires ar != null && ar.length == 3;
context Perm(ar[0], write) ** Perm(ar[1], write) ** Perm(ar[2], write);
void example1(int[] ar);
This means we require the length to be 3, and require and return permission over each of the elements of the array. Length is treated in a special way here: even though it is a "field", we do not need permission to read it, because the length of an array cannot be changed and it is baked into Vercors.
Of course writing a specific length and manually asserting permission over each location is cumbersome, so we can write a contract that accepts arrays of any length as such:
requires ar != null;
context (\forall* int i; 0 <= i && i < ar.length; Perm(ar[i], write));
void example2(int[] ar);
As mentioned in the permissions tutorial, the permissions are
combined with **
Perm(ar[0], write) ** Perm(ar[1], write) ** … ** Perm(ar[ar.length-1], write)
Please note the *
after forall
, which denotes
that the body of the forall is combined with separating conjunction
) and not boolean conjunction
As you might expect, we can also use forall to specify properties about the values of the array:
requires ar != null;
context (\forall* int i; 0 <= i && i < ar.length; Perm(ar[i], write));
ensures (\forall int i; 0 <= && i < ar.length; ar[i] == i);
void identity(int[] ar) {
for(int i = 0; i < ar.length; i++)
loop_invariant (\forall* int i; 0 <= i && i < ar.length; Perm(ar[i], write));
loop_invariant (\forall int j; 0 <= j && j < i; ar[j] == j); */
[i] = i;
Specifying arrays quickly leads to prefix a lot of statements with
\forall* int i; 0 <= i && i < ar.length;
, so
there is some syntactic sugar. First, you might want to use
for the permission specification of the
array, so that it is automatically propagates to loop invariants:
context_everywhere (\forall* int i; 0 <= i && i < ar.length; Perm(ar[i], write));
ensures (\forall int i; 0 <= && i < ar.length; ar[i] == i);
void identity(int[] ar) {
for(int i = 0; i < ar.length; i++)
loop_invariant (\forall int j; 0 <= j && j < i; ar[j] == j); */
[i] = i;
This whole forall* can also be written as
Perm(ar[*], write)
, which still means write permission over
all the elements of the array:
requires ar != null;
context_everywhere Perm(ar[*], write);
ensures (\forall int i; 0 <= && i < ar.length; ar[i] == i);
void identity(int[] ar) {
for(int i = 0; i < ar.length; i++)
loop_invariant (\forall int j; 0 <= j && j < i; ar[j] == j); */
[i] = i;
If you want to specify the length of an array, you can write as well:
\array(ar, N)
which is equivalent to
ar != null && ar.length == N
. More interestingly,
there is also \matrix(mat, M, N)
, which is equivalent
mat != null ** mat.length == M **
(\forall* int i; 0 <= i && i < M; Perm(mat[i], read)) **
(\forall int i; 0 <= i && i < M; mat[i].length == N) **
(\forall int i; 0 <= i && i < M; (\forall int j; 0 <= j && j < M && mat[i] == mat[j]; i == j))
The last line is interesting here. In Java there is no such thing as
a true matrix: instead we can make an array of arrays. However, there is
nothing preventing you from putting the same row array instance in
multiple rows. The last statement says that if we have valid row indices
i, j, we know that i != j ==> mat[i] != mat[j]
(and the
Pointers themselves are quite well-supported, but we don't support
casting and structs in C, making the end result quite limited. For the
support that we do have, pointers can be specified with two constructs:
and \pointer_index
We write \pointer(p, size, perm)
to express that
p != NULL
, the pointer p
is valid from (at
least) 0
to size-1
, and we assert
permission over those locations.
We write \pointer_index(p, index, perm)
to express that
p != NULL
, (p+i)
is a valid location, and we
have permission perm
at that location.
requires \pointer(a, 10, write);
void test(int *a) {
//@ assert \pointer(a, 10, write);
//@ assert \pointer(a, 8, write);
//@ assert (\forall* int i; 0 <= i && i < 10; \pointer_index(a, i, write));
int *b = a+5;
//@ assert a[5] == b[0];
//@ assert \pointer(b, 5, write);
This section contains advanced information, and can be skipped on a first read.
Due to a technical limitation in the backend of VerCors, the location denoted by a permission expression in a quantified expression must be unique for each binding of the quantifier. For example, if we write:
class Box {
int value;
void test() {
Box box1 = new Box();
seq<Box> boxes = seq<Box>{box1, box1};
exhale (\forall* int i; 0 <= i && i < |boxes|; Perm(boxes[i].value, 1\10));
This could be correct: we only exhale 2\10
permission of
. The expression is however not well-formed:
and i==1
cause the expression
to point to the same location. (Please note
that it seems that the error from our backend currently is not
propagated correctly. Silicon reports "Receiver of boxes[i].value might
not be injective." and VerCors translates this into
The reason we refer to this as injectivity, is that we should be able
to construct a function that assigns bindings for a location, e.g. for a
given Box
we can either find a unique i
points to the Box
, or the Box
does not appear
in boxes
. That function is the inverse of the expression in
the Perm
. The truth value of a \forall*
carries with it this property of injectivity. This means, for example,
that in a method definition a requirement assumes that
statements are injective with repsect to
locations, whereas we must prove it in ensures statements. This usually
follows directly from a requirement. In method invokations then as per
usual it's the opposite: we must prove that \forall*
statements in the requirements are injective and may assume it for
ensures statements.
This limitation is especially important in for example arrays of objects:
class Box {
int value;
requires a != null ** (\forall* int i; 0 <= i && i < a.length; Perm(a[i], read));
requires (\forall* int i; 0 <= i && i < a.length; a[i] != null ** Perm(a[i].value, write));
void test(Box[] a) {
void foo() {
Box box = new Box();
Box[] boxes = new Box[2];
boxes[0] = box;
boxes[1] = box;
test(boxes); // fails
In common use however we have to know about duplicate elements
anyway. For example, in the example above we require write
permission over the boxes, so indirectly we already require all the
boxes to be distinct. As for the array elements themselves: we have an
internal axiom about arrays that expresses exactly that the locations of
an array correspond to only one index and one array.
In this section we explain how to verify parallel algorithms by creating parallel blocks in PVL. First, we give an example of a simple method using parallel block. Then, we discuss a more complex example with a barrier inside the parallel block. A barrier is used to synchronize threads inside a parallel block.
This example shows a simple method that adds two arrays in parallel and stores the result in another array:
/* 1 */ context_everywhere a != null && b != null && c != null;
/* 2 */ context_everywhere a.length == size && b.length == size && c.length == size;
/* 3 */ context (\forall* int i; i >= 0 && i < size; Perm(a[i], 1\2));
/* 4 */ context (\forall* int i; i >= 0 && i < size; Perm(b[i], 1\2));
/* 5 */ context (\forall* int i; i >= 0 && i < size; Perm(c[i], 1));
/* 6 */ ensures (\forall int i; i >= 0 && i < size; c[i] == a[i] + b[i]);
/* 7 */ void Add(int[] a, int[] b, int[] c, int size){
/* 8 */
/* 9 */ par threads (int tid = 0 .. size)
/* 10 */ context Perm(a[tid], 1\2) ** Perm(b[tid], 1\2) ** Perm(c[tid], 1);
/* 11 */ ensures c[tid] == a[tid] + b[tid];
/* 12 */ {
/* 13 */ c[tid] = a[tid] + b[tid];
/* 14 */ }
/* 15 */ }
In this method there is a parallel block (lines 9-14) named "threads". The keyword "par" is used to define a parallel block, followed by an arbitrary name after that defines the name of that block. Moreover, we define the number of threads in the parallel block as well as a name for the thread identifier. In this example, we have "size" threads in the range from 0 to "size-1" and "tid" is used as thread identifier to refer to each thread.
In addition to the specification of the method (lines 1-6), we add thread-level specification to the parallel block (lines 10-11). The precondition of the method indicates that we have read permission over all locations in arrays "a" and "b" and write permission for array "c" (lines 3-5). In the parallel block, we specify that each thread ("tid") has read permission to its own location in arrays "a" and "b" and write permission to its own location in array "c" (line 10). After termination of the parallel block as postcondition (1) we have the same permission (line 10) and (2) the result of each location in array "c" is the sum of the two corresponding locations in arrays "a" and "b" (line 11). From the postcondition of the parallel block, we can derive the postcondition of the method using universal quantifier for all locations in the arrays (line 3-6).
Next we show an example of a parallel block which uses a barrier to synchronize threads:
/* 1 */ context_everywhere array != null && array.length == size;
/* 2 */ requires (\forall* int i; i >= 0 && i < size; Perm(array[i], write));
/* 3 */ ensures (\forall* int i; i >= 0 && i < size; Perm(array[i], write));
/* 4 */ ensures (\forall int i; i >= 0 && i < size; (i != size-1 ==> array[i] == \old(array[i+1])) &&
/* 5 */ (i == size-1 ==> array[i] == \old(array[0])) );
/* 6 */ void leftRotation(int[] array, int size){
/* 7 */
/* 8 */ par threads (int tid = 0 .. size)
/* 9 */ requires tid != size-1 ==> Perm(array[tid+1], write);
/* 10 */ requires tid == size-1 ==> Perm(array[0], write);
/* 11 */ ensures Perm(array[tid], write);
/* 12 */ ensures tid != size-1 ==> array[tid] == \old(array[tid+1]);
/* 13 */ ensures tid == size-1 ==> array[tid] == \old(array[0]);
/* 14 */ {
/* 15 */ int temp;
/* 16 */ if (tid != size-1) {
/* 17 */ temp = array[tid+1];
/* 18 */ } else {
/* 19 */ temp = array[0];
/* 20 */ }
/* 21 */
/* 22 */ barrier(threads)
/* 23 */ requires tid != size-1 ==> Perm(array[tid+1], write);
/* 24 */ requires tid == size-1 ==> Perm(array[0], write);
/* 25 */ ensures Perm(array[tid], write);
/* 26 */ { /* Automatic proof */ }
/* 27 */
/* 28 */ array[tid] = temp;
/* 29 */ }
/* 30 */ }
This example illustrates a method named "leftRotation" that rotates the elements of an array to the left. In this example, we also have "size" threads in the range from 0 to "size-1" and "tid" is used as thread identifier. Inside the parallel block each thread ("tid") stores its right neighbor in a temporary location (i.e., "temp"), except thread "size-1" which stores the first element in the array (lines 15-20). Then each thread synchronizes at the barrier (line 22). The keyword "barrier" and the name of the parallel block as an argument (e.g., "threads" in the example) are used to define a barrier in PVL. After that, each thread writes the value read into its own location at index "tid" in the array (line 28).
To verify this method in VerCors, we annotate the barrier, in addition to the method and the parallel block. As precondition of the method, we have read permission over all locations in the array (line 2). At the beginning of the parallel block, each thread reads from its right neighbor, except thread "size-1" which reads from location 0 (lines 16-20). Therefore, we specify read permissions as precondition of the parallel block in lines 9-10. Since after the barrier each thread ("tid") writes into its own location at index ("tid"), we change the permissions in the barrier in such that each thread has write permissions to its own location (lines 23-25). When a thread reaches the barrier, it has to fulfill the barrier preconditions, and then it may assume the barrier postconditions. Moreover, the barrier postconditions must follow from the barrier preconditions.
As postcondition of the parallel block (1) first each thread has write permission to its own location (this comes from the postcondition of the barrier) in line 11 and (2) the elements are truly shifted to the left (lines 12-13). From the postcondition of the parallel block, we can establish the same postcondition for the method (lines 3-5).
In this chapter syntax is introduced for barriers. There is a caveat to using barriers, which we want to explain first so it is not missed. Barrier syntax in VerCors has two forms. Form 1:
(barrierName) {
requires P;
ensures Q}
Form 2:
requires P;
ensures Q{ }
Notice how in form 1, the contract is inside the curly braces. In form 2, the contract resides between the barrier declaration and the curly braces.
There is a big difference between these two syntaxes. In
form 1, the contract of the barrier is not actually checked by
VerCors. This means that if you would add ensures false;
your barrier using the syntax of form 1, VerCors will not indicate this
is a problematic contract. For form 2, however, the contract is
actually checked. Therefore, when using barriers, form 2 should be
preferred. Form 1 should only be used if there is a proof external to
In the previous examples, we defined a parallel block of threads to work on one-dimensional arrays. It is also possible to define two-dimensional thread layouts to work on two-dimensional arrays. As an example we define a two-dimensional thread layout to transpose a matrix in parallel:
context_everywhere inp != null && out != null; /// && out == size;
context_everywhere inp.length == size && out.length == size;
context_everywhere (\forall int i; 0 <= i && i < size; inp[i].length == size && out[i].length == size);
context (\forall* int i; 0 <= i && i < size;
(\forall* int j; 0 <= j && j < size; Perm(inp[i][j], read)));
context (\forall* int i; 0 <= i && i < size;
(\forall* int j; 0 <= j && j < size; Perm(out[i][j], write)));
ensures (\forall* int i; 0 <= i && i < size;
(\forall* int j; 0 <= j && j < size; out[i][j] == inp[j][i]));
void transpose(int[][] inp, int[][] out, int size){
par threadX (int tidX = 0 .. size)
context (\forall* int i; i >= 0 && i < size; Perm(inp[i][tidX], read));
context (\forall* int i; i >= 0 && i < size; Perm(out[tidX][i], write));
ensures (\forall int i; i >= 0 && i < size; out[tidX][i] == inp[i][tidX]);
par threadY (int tidY = 0 .. size)
context Perm(inp[tidY][tidX], read);
context Perm(out[tidX][tidY], write);
ensures out[tidX][tidY] == inp[tidY][tidX];
out[tidX][tidY] = inp[tidY][tidX];
As we can see defining nested parallel blocks allow us to define thread layout in different dimensions. We can simplify the above example syntactically into one parallel block:
context_everywhere inp != null && out != null;
context_everywhere inp.length == size && out.length == size;
context_everywhere (\forall int i; 0 <= i && i < size; inp[i].length == size && out[i].length == size);
context (\forall* int i; 0 <= i && i < size;
(\forall* int j; 0 <= j && j < size; Perm(inp[i][j], read)));
context (\forall* int i; 0 <= i && i < size;
(\forall* int j; 0 <= j && j < size; Perm(out[i][j], write)));
ensures (\forall int i; 0 <= i && i < size;
(\forall int j; 0 <= j && j < size; out[i][j] == inp[j][i]));
void transpose(int[][] inp, int[][] out, int size){
par threadXY (int tidX = 0 .. size, int tidY = 0 .. size)
context Perm(inp[tidY][tidX], read);
context Perm(out[tidX][tidY], write);
ensures out[tidX][tidY] == inp[tidY][tidX];
out[tidX][tidY] = inp[tidY][tidX];
There might be some scenarios that we have multiple parallel blocks and all threads in each parallel block are working in disjoint memory locations. In this case we can define multiple parallel blocks to run simultaneously. That means, threads in each parallel block run independently of other threads in different parallel blocks. Below is an example of such a scenario:
/* 1 */ context_everywhere a != null && b != null && c != null;
/* 2 */ context_everywhere a.length == size && b.length == size && c.length == size;
/* 3 */ context (\forall* int i; i >= 0 && i < size; Perm(a[i], write));
/* 4 */ context (\forall* int i; i >= 0 && i < size; Perm(b[i], write));
/* 5 */ context (\forall* int i; i >= 0 && i < size; Perm(c[i], write));
/* 6 */ ensures (\forall int i; i >= 0 && i < size; a[i] == \old(a[i]) + 1 && b[i] == \old(b[i]) + 1 &&
/* 7 */ c[i] == \old(c[i]) + 1);
/* 8 */ void simPar(int[] a, int[] b, int[] c, int size){
/* 9 */
/* 10 */ par thread1 (int tid1 = 0 .. size)
/* 11 */ context Perm(a[tid1], write);
/* 12 */ ensures a[tid1] == \old(a[tid1]) + 1;
/* 13 */ {
/* 14 */ a[tid1] = a[tid1] + 1;
/* 15 */ } and
/* 16 */ thread2 (int tid2 = 0 .. size)
/* 17 */ context Perm(b[tid2], write);
/* 18 */ ensures b[tid2] == \old(b[tid2]) + 1;
/* 19 */ {
/* 20 */ b[tid2] = b[tid2] + 1;
/* 21 */ } and
/* 22 */ thread3 (int tid3 = 0 .. size)
/* 23 */ context Perm(c[tid3], write);
/* 24 */ ensures c[tid3] == \old(c[tid3]) + 1;
/* 25 */ {
/* 26 */ c[tid3] = c[tid3] + 1;
/* 27 */ }
/* 28 */ }
As we can see we use "and" between each parallel block (lines 15 and 21) to define simultaneous parallel blocks. This construction can be used in a situation where we decide to run simultaneous instructions. That means, we do not define threads in the parallel blocks, but the par blocks run simultaneously. Below is an example in this situation where "a", "b" and "c" are objects included a field "val":
class HasVal {
int val;
class Main {
context Perm(a.val, write) ** Perm(b.val, write) ** Perm(c.val, write);
ensures a.val == \old(a.val) + 1 && b.val == \old(b.val) + 1 && c.val == \old(c.val) + 1;
void IncPar(HasVal a, HasVal b, HasVal c){
context Perm(a.val, write);
ensures a.val == \old(a.val) + 1;
a.val = a.val + 1;
} and
context Perm(b.val, write);
ensures b.val == \old(b.val) + 1;
b.val = b.val + 1;
} and
context Perm(c.val, write);
ensures c.val == \old(c.val) + 1;
c.val = c.val + 1;
In the above example, for each object we increase its "val" by one in parallel. As we can see, thread blocks are without names and thread identifiers in this case.
VerCors supports three forms of synchronization primitives. Two can
only be used in PVL: built-in locks, and atomics. One can only be used
in Java: the synchronized
block. Each form will be
discussed individually in the next sections.
Warning: at the time of writing, VerCors supports only non-reentrant
locks. This means locking twice in a row is unsound, which could have
implications for code that uses Java's synchronized
. See
the caveats section at the end of this document for more info.
Using built-in locks in PVL consists of the following parts:
statement and committed(l)
expression, which indicate whether or not a lock is initialized.A lock invariant can be defined for a class with the following syntax:
lock_invariant true /* or: resource expression involving permissions and boolean assertions */;
class C {
Because a lock invariant is defined for a class, it is always related to a specific class instance. Therefore, it is possible to make assertions about instance fields in the lock invariant. For example, a lock invariant could be specified that contains the permissions for a field, and also the fact that that field must have a value greater than 10, using the following syntax:
lock_invariant Perm(f, write) ** f > 10;
class C {
int f;
constructor() {
f = 11;
// Lock invariant must hold here!
The lock invariant must hold at the end of the constructor. If VerCors cannot prove this, the program will be rejected.
Using Java terminology, in the above example the field f
is "guarded" by the built-in lock of the object that has the field
. That is, to write permission for this.f
and hence access to this.f
, first the lock on
needs to be acquired. This is done using the
statement, which is described in the next section.
statementThe lock statement has the following syntax:
lock o;
Where o
can be an arbitrary expression. The only
constraint is that o
is not null
. The default
lock invariant for a class is true
, so by default
lock o
does not give you extra information, until a
is specified.
The lock statement ensures that only one thread at a time can lock on
an object. Once the lock has been acquired, the lock invariant of the
object o
may be assumed. For example, after the
statement, often fields of the object o
can be accessed or written to. For example, consider the code snippet
below. It is similar to the previous example, with the addition of an
increment method:
lock_invariant Perm(f, write);
class C {
int f;
requires committed(this);
void increment() {
lock this;
assert Perm(f, write);
f = f + 1;
Notice how the lock is acquired before f
is incremented.
Because after lock statement the lock invariant may be assumed, this
ensures the thread that is executing increment
permission for f
, which in turn allows
reading and writing to f
. Additionally, this excludes any
data races on f
, as the thread that has the lock will be
the only thread currently incrementing f
. We will explain
the committed
annotation shortly.
The above example is still incomplete: when f
has been
incremented, the lock should be unlocked again. This is done with the
statement, which we describe next.
statementThe unlock statement has the following syntax:
unlock o;
Similar to the lock
statement, o
must be
The unlock
statement behaves as the inverse of the
statement. For the program to progress beyond
, the lock invariant must be re-established. If this
is not possible, VerCors will reject the program. If the lock invariant
can be re-established, the lock is unlocked, and the program proceeds.
Because the lock is now unlocked, other threads can lock it, and gain
access to the resources protected by the lock.
In the code snippet, the previous code snippet is completed with the
missing unlock
lock_invariant Perm(f, write);
class C {
int f;
requires committed(this);
void increment() {
lock this;
assert Perm(f, write);
f = f + 1;
unlock this;
Because the only thing we did between lock
was increment f
, the write permission
for f
is still available, and hence VerCors can trivially
prove that the lock invariant can be re-established. Hence, this example
statementBefore a lock can be locked, it must be initialized. In VerCors, a
lock is initialized when it is "committed". This is done using the
commit e;
statement. The lock must be committed before the
end of the constructor. After any commit e;
statement, the
expression committed(e)
is guaranteed to be true.
In the following example, the lock invariant of C
requires permission for the field f
, and that
has value 3. The constructor writes 3 to f
and then commits the invariant. This ensures that the
method can lock on a newly created object of type
. Without the commit
statement, an error
would occur. In addition, the postcondition contains
, to indicate that after the constructor the
new object is lockable.
lock_invariant Perm(f, 1) ** f == 3;
class C {
int f;
ensures committed(this);
constructor() {
f = 3;
commit this;
assert committed(this);
void tryLock() {
C c = new C();
lock c;
assert Perm(c.f, 1) ** c.f == 3;
There are several caveats to look out for when using built-in locks in PVL.
PVL locks are non-reentrant: locking a lock twice, without unlocking the lock inbetween, will result in a deadlock. VerCors does not warn about this situation if it occurs. Hence, it needs to be checked manually that this situation does not occur.
Deadlocks can occur when using multiple locks. For example, consider
a situation with two locks, l1
and l2
. Process
A first locks l1
, and then tries to acquire
. Process B locks l2
, and then tries to
acquire l1
. Since built-in locks in PVL are blocking, this
interleaving will deadlock. VerCors does not warn about this situation
if it occurs. Hence, it needs to be checked manually that this situation
does not occur, because it can otherwise allow unsoundness to occur.
For this section, we assume you are familiar with the concept of "lock invariant", as introduced int the previous section.
Atomics in PVL are used through two statements: the
statement and the atomic
We will discuss them separately.
blockThe syntax of the invariant
block is as follows:
invariant invName(true) {
// ...
An invariant block consists of the keyword invariant
then a name, and finally an expression that is the atomic invariant of
the block. The invariant block may only occur in methods or procedures,
and may be nested, provided that the names of each invariant block are
The invariant block will ensure that the atomic invariant holds at
the beginning of the block. Inside the invariant block, you will not
have access to the atomic invariant, as it is removed from the state at
the beginning of the invariant block. You can get access to the atomic
invariant using the atomic
block, which is explained in the
next section. After the invariant block, the atomic invariant may be
assumed again.
blockThe syntax of the atomic
block is as follows:
atomic(invName) {
// ...
The atomic block consists of the keyword atomic
followed by the name of the invariant the atomic block synchronizes on.
The atomic block may only occur in methods or procedures, may not be
nested, and the invariant that is referred to must enclose the atomic
The atomic block will ensure only one thread at a time will synchronize on the invariant. At the beginning of the atomic block, the atomic invariant is assumed. At any point in the atomic block, this atomic invariant can be used and broken. Finally, when the program exits the atomic block, the atomic invariant needs to be re-established. If VerCors cannot prove that this is always possible, VerCors will reject the program and verification will fail.
The atomic block is similar to the lock invariant and
statements, with two subtle
The synchronized
statement allows you to work with lock
invariants in Java. It is a combination of built-in locks from PVL, and
atomics from PVL, which are both explained in previous sections.
Specifically, VerCors supports the lock invariant syntax for Java
classes, and synchronized
blocks work almost identically to
atomic blocks. Both concepts will be discussed in the next sections.
VerCors supports the lock invariant syntax for Java classes. The syntax is as follows:
//@ lock_invariant true;
class C {
C() {
// Lock invariant is established here!
Notice how the syntax is identical to the PVL syntax, except that it
must now be placed in ghost code, as indicated by the //@
marker. In the above example the trivial lock invariant
is used, but in principle the lock invariant can
contain the same things as in PVL: permissions about fields, arrays, and
properties about those fields and arrays.
The lock invariant has to hold at the end of a constructor, otherwise
verification will fail. The lock invariant is assumed at the beginning
of synchronized
blocks, and has to be re-established at the
end of synchronized blocks. If it cannot be re-established, VerCors will
reject the program and verification will fail.
VerCors supports Java's syntax for synchronized blocks. The syntax is as follows:
synchronized (expr) {
// ...
Note the similarity to the atomic
block statement. The
only requirement is that expr
is non-null and of type
class. If no lock invariant is specified on the class, the default
invariant true
will be used.
The only additional behaviour of the synchronized
is that it accounts for exceptions. That is, when an exception is thrown
before the end of the synchronized block, the lock is still closed, and
hence the lock invariant still needs to be re-established.
There are some caveats to verifying Java locks in VerCors.
Similar to PVL, VerCors does not allow locking on an object before the lock invariant is established. However, VerCors does not check for this, so the user must manually ensure that this does not occur.
Similar to PVL, VerCors models Java's locks as single-entrant locks. This is inaccurate, as Java's locks are actually re-entrant. We are working on improving this, but this is currently not yet implemented. Therefore, users have to take care that locking twice on a single object does not occur. If it does occur, it might cause unsoundness.
Some interleaving of synchronized
locking sequences
might deadlock. VerCors does not warn, nor check for this. Therefore, it
is the user's responsibility to ensure that this does not occur.
Process Algebra Models allow users to specify processes in PVL programs. PVL programs must then be annotated to indicate which locations in the program correspond to transitions in the process model. Properties specified in the process model may be assumed by VerCors at the locations in the program, provided that these properties of the process model are proven using an external tool, such as the model checker mCRL2.
Support for checking if a PVL program adheres to a process model is automatic, and implemented in VerCors 1.4.0. Checking if a process model adheres to the specified properties can be automated, but currently is not, and hence has to be done manually.
For the theoretical background on Process Algebra Models, we refer the reader to Wytse Oortwijn's PhD thesis: https://doi.org/10.3990/1.9789036548984.
For more practical sources, we refer the reader to the following urls:
For any aspects not covered by the above summary, please contact the VerCors team.
This section discusses syntax and semantics of predicates. First a motivating example is given why predicates are needed. Then an overview is given of the syntax and semantics of predicates. The introductory example is then rewritten using predicates. Finally, we discuss some internal and reserved predicates, and finish this part of the tutorial with a brief overview of advanced usages of predicates and known problems.
In this section, the language used for the code examples is Java. However, the concepts presented apply to PVL as well.
Permissions are useful for indicating access rights and modifications to data. But, adding permissions to private members in the contract leaks implementation details. Consider the following example:
class Counter {
int count;
//@ context Perm(count, write);
//@ ensures count == \old(count) + n;
void increment(int n);
class MyProgram {
//@ requires c != null;
//@ requires Perm(c.count, write);
//@ requires c.count == 0;
void foo(Counter c) {
//@ assert c.count == 0;
//@ assert c.count == 2;
It is clear from the contract of increment
that it
modifies the internal state of the Counter
Therefore, when Counter
changes its internal layout, client
code will have to be modified as well. For example, if in the previous
example Counter
adds some internal field, the client code
will also have to be changed. This is shown in the next example:
class CounterExtended {
int count;
int numIncrements;
//@ context Perm(count, write) ** Perm(numIncrements, write);
//@ ensures count == \old(count) + n;
//@ ensures numIncrements == \old(numIncrements) + 1;
void increment(int n);
class MyProgram {
//@ requires c != null;
//@ requires Perm(c.count, write) ** Perm(c.numIncrements, write);
//@ requires c.count == 0;
void foo(CounterExtended c) {
//@ assert c.count == 0;
//@ assert c.count == 2;
It is desirable that permissions are managed such that client code does not depend on irrelevant details, to avoid this rippling effect of modifications. Predicates help with this.
A predicate is declared as follows:
//@ resource myPredicate(int a, bool b, ...) = body;
A predicate consists of the name of the predicate, zero or more
arguments, and a body where arguments can be used. In Java, the
declaration must be written as a verification annotation (e.g. using
). In PVL, it is a plain declaration.
One can think of a predicate as a function returning type
, similar to how a permission (Perm
is a resource
. Except that, predicates are never called,
but created and destroyed using unfold and folds. We will explain this
To create a predicate instance, the contents of the predicate body
must be exchanged for a predicate instance. This is called "folding".
Specifically, folding a predicate means any permissions present in the
predicate body are removed from the program state. In return, an
instance of the predicate is added to the state. In the following
example folding is shown. The method foo
receives a
permission for the field x
. At the end of the method, the
permission for this field x
has been exchanged for an
instance of the predicate state
. Note how the permission
for x
and the predicate state
are mutually
exclusive: both cannot be in the program state simultaneously.
int x;
//@ resource state(int val) = Perm(x, write) ** x == val;
//@ requires Perm(x, write) ** x == n;
//@ ensures state(n);
void foo(int n) {
// Now we have Perm(x, write).
//@ fold state(n);
// Now Perm(x, write) is gone, but state(n) is present.
A predicate can also be "unfolded". This exchanges a predicate instance for its body.
int x;
//@ resource state(int val) = Perm(x, write) ** x == val;
//@ requires state(n);
//@ ensures Perm(x, write) ** x == n;
void foo(int n) {
// Now we have state(n);
//@ unfold state(n);
// Now state(n) is gone, but Perm(x, write) is present.
The previous two examples also show that fields of the current class
can be used in the predicate body. This is because a predicate instance
is implicitly bound to an instance of the class it is defined in. The
following example verifies, because the this
part of the
predicate instance is implicit. It also shows how to name predicates on
objects other than this
final class Cell {
int x;
//@ resource state(int val) = Perm(x, write) ** x == val;
// "this" is implicit:
//@ requires this.state(n);
//@ ensures state(n);
void foo(int n) {
// Predicates can appear on distinct objects too:
//@ given int n;
//@ given int m;
//@ context other.state(m);
//@ requires state(n);
//@ ensures state(n+m);
void combine(Cell other) {
//@ unfold state(n);
//@ unfold other.state(m);
x += other.x;
//@ fold other.state(m);
//@ fold state(n+m);
Predicates can be used anywhere Perm
can be used, and
hence must also be composed using the separating conjunction
) operator.
example, now with predicatesIn the next snippet we redefine the Counter
class to use
predicates, instead of plain permissions:
class Counter {
int count;
//@ resource state(int val) = Perm(count, write) ** count == val;
//@ given int oldCount;
//@ requires state(oldCount);
//@ ensures state(oldCount + n);
void increment(int n);
class MyProgram {
//@ requires c != null ** c.state(0);
//@ ensures c.state(2);
void foo(Counter c) {
//@ assert c.state(0);
c.increment(2) /*@ with { oldCount = 0; } @*/;
//@ assert c.state(2);
The client only uses the predicate when expressing how it manipulates the counter. Therefore, the counter class is now free to change its internal composition without affecting any of its clients. This is possible because only relevant details are exposed through the predicate. In this case, this is the value of the counter. For example, adding a plain field does not break the client.
If the interface of Counter
changes, the client code
will have to change too. However, the client code does not have to
manage any extra permissions: it only has to specify how it uses the
interface from CounterExtended
. The next example shows
class CounterExtended {
int count;
int numIncrements;
/*@ resource state(int val, int val2) = Perm(count, write) ** count == val
** Perm(numIncrements, write) ** numIncrements == val2;
//@ given int oldCount;
//@ given int oldIncrements;
//@ requires state(oldCount, oldIncrements);
//@ ensures state(oldCount + n, oldIncrements + 1);
void increment(int n);
class MyProgram {
//@ given int oldIncrements;
//@ requires c != null ** c.state(0, oldIncrements);
//@ ensures c.state(2, oldIncrements + 1);
void foo(CounterExtended c) {
//@ assert c.state(0, oldIncrements);
c.increment(2) /*@ with { oldCount = 0; oldIncrements = oldIncrements; } @*/;
//@ assert c.state(2, oldIncrements + 1);
To summarise, predicates are very effective at hiding implementation details. They allow encapsulation. However, predicates do not protect the client from breaking changes. If the interface changes, any clients will have to change too.
There are a few situations where VerCors attaches special meanings to certain predicate names.
For atomics and locks a predicate lock_invariant
defined. This predicate cannot be folded/unfolded, and has to be
manipulated through locking and unlocking.
Additionally, it can be checked if a lock is currently held through
the held(x)
syntax. held
is in this case
effectively a predicate that cannot be unfolded. Therefore, any
semantics and techniques for manipulating predicates discussed in this
part of the tutorial can be applied to held
, such as
splitting and scaling, except for folding and unfolding.
For more information, see the Atomics and Locks section.
A thread can be in several states, such as idle and running. The
syntax for this is idle(thread)
. idle
and running
are effectively predicates that cannot be unfolded. Therefore, any
semantics and techniques for manipulating predicates discussed in this
part of the tutorial can be applied to held
(such as
splitting and scaling).
See the PVL Syntax Reference section for more details.
Sometimes it is necessary to briefly open a predicate within an
expression, for example, to temporarily gain access to a field. This can
be achieved using the \unfolding
operator. It has the
following concrete syntax:
\unfolding myPredicate(arg1, arg2, ...) \in expression
It takes the instance of the predicate that needs unfolding, followed
by \in
, and then an expression in which the predicate must
be unfolded. After evaluating the internal expression, the predicate is
folded again, without any changes to the predicate or the program state.
For Java, the alternative syntax is \Unfolding
(notice the
capital U), since \unfolding
causes a compiler error.
Below is an example usage of \unfolding
in a
class where the predicate does not have a parameter
for the value inside the Cell
. To work around this,
is used.
class Cell {
//@ ensures state() ** \unfolding state() \in x == 0;
Cell() {
= 0;
x //@ fold state();
//@ resource state() = Perm(x, write);
int x;
public static void main() {
= new Cell();
Cell c //@ assert \unfolding c.state() \in c.x == 0;
Predicates can directly and indirectly recurse without problems,
provided they are not inline
. This can be used to for
example model permissions over data structures with a size that cannot
be known statically, such as a linked list. In the below code example,
an instance of state
predicate of the class
contains the permission for one field, as
well as permissions for all fields of the tail of the list.
Additionally, the argument of the state
predicate reflects
the numbers stored in the linked list.
class LinkedListNode {
//@ resource state(seq<int> data) = Perm(v, write) ** Perm(next, write) ** v == data[0] ** (next != null ==> next.state(tail(data)));
int v;
LinkedListNode next}
VerCors offers syntax to specify fractions of predicates, similar to
how permissions can be specified in fractions. This can be useful to,
for example, allow one half of a state predicate to be passed to one
thread, and one to another. For a predicate state(args)
a variable x
, the syntax for specifying a fraction
of the predicate is: [f]x.state(args)
. The
code below shows an example of how scaling can be used.
class Cell {
//@ ensures state(0);
Cell() {
//@ fold state(0);
//@ resource state(int v) = Perm(x, write) ** v == x;
int x;
//@ requires [1\2]c.state(0);
public void startThread(Cell c);
public static void main() {
= new Cell();
Cell c // Constructing a cell yields a state predicate
//@ assert c.state(0);
// We can split this into fractions of a predicate
//@ assert [1\2]c.state(0) ** [1\2]c.state(0);
// startThread will claim half of the predicate
// The other half can be used for something else
//@ assert [1\2]c.state(0);
Predicates can be given the inline
class C {
//@ inline resource state() = Perm(x, write);
int x;
If the inline
attribute is given to a predicate, VerCors
will inline the definition of that predicate wherever the predicate
occurs. This means that the following code snippet:
//@ requires c.state();
void foo(C c) {
//@ assert c.state();
Is equal to:
//@ requires Perm(c.x, write);
void foo(C c) {
//@ assert Perm(c.x, write);
Because of this inlining semantics, inline
cannot be recursive. However, besides that limitation they are equal to
regular predicates, and hence support arguments and scaling.
Furthermore, because of this inlining semantics, folding and unfolding inline predicates do not change the program state. However, for the ease of flexibility, VerCors allows them, interpreting them as a check for whether or not the contents of a predicate is present.
Inheritance is not yet supported for predicates.
There is informal & incomplete support for predicates with
thread-dependent resources. For this, the predicate must be defined with
the thread_local
modifier. The \current_thread
keyword can be used inside thread_local
predicates to get
the integer identifier of the current thread. This can be useful to
assign e.g. array indices to individual threads in a global manner.
To restrict the number of threads, and hence the possible values of
, assumptions can be made. This can be done
either in preconditions, or in predicate bodies. For example, for some
requires 0 <= \current_thread && \current_thread < N;
When using predicates, VerCors might yield the following error:
Verification aborted exceptionally: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.util.NoSuchElementException: None.get
Cause: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.util.NoSuchElementException: None.get
This is because the current implementation of Java inheritance in VerCors is incomplete. There are two workarounds for this.
First, a predicate declaration can be marked as final
This ensures that the inheritance-related logic in VerCors is not
applied to that predicate, which means it can be used as described in
this chapter. In the code below we show an example usage of this
int x;
//@ final resource state(int val) = Perm(x, write) ** x == val;
//@ requires Perm(x, write) ** x == n;
//@ ensures state(n);
void foo(int n) {
//@ fold state(n);
Second, if a class has many predicates, or the first workaround does
not seem to work, the whole class can be marked as final
This ensures the inheritance-related logic in VerCors is not applied to
the class at all.
Both workarounds do not change the semantics of Java code that does not use inheritance.
Finally, if neither of the workarounds work, please file an issue.
Consider the following example:
//@ resource wrapX(int val) = Perm(x, write) ** x == val;
int x;
//@ requires wrapX(5);
void m() {
//@ ghost int i = 5;
//@ loop_invariant wrapX(i);
//@ loop_invariant \unfolding wrapX(i) \in 5 <= x && x <= 10;
while (x < 10) {
//@ unfold wrapX(i);
//@ ghost i++;
//@ fold wrapX(i);
This will give an error on the while
condition, stating
that there is no permission for x
. This is to be expected,
since permission for x
is contained in the predicate
. Since we did not give instructions to
it, the loop condition cannot access x
Intuitively, the following extra syntax should work:
//@ resource wrapX(int val) = Perm(x, write) ** x == val;
int x;
//@ requires wrapX(5);
void m() {
//@ ghost int i = 5;
//@ loop_invariant wrapX(i);
//@ loop_invariant \unfolding wrapX(i) \in 5 <= x && x <= 10;
while (/*@ \unfolding wrapX(i) \in @*/ x < 10) {
//@ unfold wrapX(i);
//@ ghost i++;
//@ fold wrapX(i);
However, this syntax is currently not supported by VerCors. Instead, it is recommended to use an inline predicate if possible (see the Inline Predicates section for more info). Applying this workaround results in the following program:
//@ inline resource wrapX(int val) = Perm(x, write) ** x == val;
int x;
//@ requires wrapX(5);
void m() {
//@ ghost int i = 5;
//@ loop_invariant wrapX(i);
//@ loop_invariant 5 <= x && x <= 10;
while (x < 10) {
//@ ghost i++;
Alternatively, the condition can be lifted into its own boolean
variable as in the example below. However, this 1) leads to verbose
code, and 2) requires modification of non-ghost code. Note that, for
presentation reasons, the loop condition p
is also more
strict than in the previous examples.
//@ resource wrapX(int val) = Perm(x, write) ** x == val;
int x;
//@ requires wrapX(5);
void m() {
// Put the loop condition in a separate variable. This requires unfolding the predicate temporarily.
//@ unfold wrapX(5);
boolean p = 5 <= x && x < 10;
//@ fold wrapX(5);
//@ ghost int i = 5;
//@ loop_invariant wrapX(i);
//@ loop_invariant \unfolding wrapX(i) \in 5 <= x && x <= 10;
// Require that loop maintains that p equals the previous loop condition
//@ loop_invariant p == \unfolding wrapX(i) \in (5 <= x && x < 10);
while (p) {
//@ unfold wrapX(i);
//@ ghost i++;
// Before the while loop ends, check the loop condition manually
// And put the result in p again.
p = 5 <= x && x < 10;
//@ fold wrapX(i);
//@ assert wrapX(10);
Currently, support for inheritance is very limited. Bob Rubbens is working on improving support for inheritance as part of his PhD position. You can read theoretical work on this in his masters thesis: https://essay.utwente.nl/81338/, or contact Bob at r.b.rubbens@utwente.nl. As support improves, this wiki page will improve accordingly.
This section discusses support for exceptions and goto in VerCors. The following topics are discussed:
contract clause here,
which models exceptions in VerCors.VerCors currently only supports Java exceptions. They are not supported in PVL. We also do not support signal handlers in C. The table below lists which facets of exceptions in Java are currently supported in VerCors.
Feature | Supported |
throw |
Yes |
throws |
Yes |
try-catch |
Yes |
try-finally |
Yes |
try-catch-finally |
Yes |
try-with-resources |
No |
Multi-catch | No |
Defining custom exceptions | Yes, but only if directly inheriting from one of: Exception, RuntimeException, Throwable, Error. This limitation is temporary. |
JML signals |
Yes |
JML signals_only |
No |
Support for exceptions is still being worked on currently. Progress on the implementation can be followed here.
We will now discuss a basic artificial example of exception usage in Java. For a more thorough overview, we refer the reader to the Java tutorial on exceptions: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/essential/exceptions/index.html.
In the following code example, the find
determines if an array contains a specific integer value:
class MyFind {
public static boolean find(int[] xs, int value) throws Exception {
for (int i = 0; i < xs.length; i++) {
if (xs[i] == value) {
return true;
} else if (xs[i] < 0) {
throw new Exception();
return false;
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] myXs = int[3];
[0] = 1;
myXs[1] = 10;
myXs[2] = -3;
try {
find(myXs, 22);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("An error occurred");
If the find
method encounters a negative array element
while searching, it throws an exception. The fact that the method throws
an exception at all is indicated by the throws Exception
modifier when the find
method is defined. Specifically, the
exception is thrown by the throw new Exception()
in the find
The thrown exception is handled in the main
method by
wrapping the call to find
in a try-catch
block. Whenever an exception is thrown within a try-catch
block, the exception is passed to the catch
block of the
type of the exception that matches the type of the catch
block. This catch block can then handle the exception to allow the
program to continue, or perform cleanup such that the program can exit
safely. If none of the catch blocks can handle the exception, it is
passed further up the call stack, possibly terminating the program if it
is not caught and handled.
The signals clause supported in VerCors is very similar to the
signals clauses supported in JML (documented here).
It is a contract element like requires
, and declares the postcondition in case an
exception is thrown. The declared postcondition holds when the thrown
type matches the type stated in the signals
clause. When an
exception is thrown, normal ensures
post-conditions never
hold, and instead only relevant signals
clauses hold.
As an artificial example, we can define a signals
for a method that sums two numbers. The method throws an exception if
one of the numers is equal to five.
//@ signals (Exception e) a == 5 || b == 5;
//@ ensures \result == (a + b);
void sum(int a, int b) throws Exception {
if (a == 5 || b == 5) {
throw new Exception();
} else {
return a + b;
Similar to the throws
attribute, the
clause can name both checked and unchecked
exceptions. The only limitation is that the type must extend
A frequently occurring use-case is to guarantee that an exception is
thrown, if a certain condition occurs. Furthermore, this is also how the
semantics of the signals
clause is sometimes
misinterpreted. Applying this line of though to the previous example,
one might expect the method sum
to always throw if
one of the arguments equals five. However, this is not the case. The
implementation for pickySum
below demonstrates this. The
implementation for pickySum
also satisfies the contract for
, but clearly pickySum
does not
always throw an exception if one of the arguments equals 5:
//@ signals (Exception e) a == 5 || b == 5;
//@ ensures \result == (a + b);
void pickySum(int a, int b) {
if ((a == 5 || b == 5) && dayOfTheWeek() == "tuesday") {
throw new Exception();
} else {
return a + b;
Instead, pickySum
only throws an exception if one of the
arguments equals five, and today is tuesday. Would
be called on a monday with 5 and 10, an exception
would not be thrown, and instead 15 would be returned.
This artificial example shows how a signals clause should be
interpreted: when an exception of the appropriate type is thrown, the
clause can be assumed to hold. We call this the
"reactive" semantics.
It is not guaranteed that an exception is thrown if a
condition occurs. We call this the "causal"
semantics. VerCors does not implement this currently.
If needed, there is a way to model the causal semantics using an
additional ensures
clause. To do this, an
clause needs to be added that implies
when the signals
condition occurs. For
example, pickySum
can be made consistent as follows:
//@ signals (Exception e) a == 5 || b == 5;
//@ ensures (a == 5 || b == 5) ==> false;
//@ ensures \result == (a + b);
void consistentSum(int a, int b) {
if (a == 5 || b == 5) {
throw new Exception();
} else {
return a + b;
By ensuring that the method cannot terminate normally if one of the arguments equals 5, it is guaranteed that an exception is thrown when one of the arguments equals 5. This encodes the causal semantics using the reactive semantics supported by VerCors.
Java guarantees that methods only throw checked exceptions if they
are explicitly mentioned in the throws
attribute. Unchecked
exceptions can always be thrown.
VerCors does not implement this exact semantics. Instead, it assumes
that any exception that can be thrown is mentioned in either the
attribute or in a signals
clause. In
other words, if a method has no throws
clauses, nor
clauses, it is 100% exception safe according to
VerCors. A downside of this is that the VerCors exception semantics does
not 100% reflect the Java semantics. The upside is that VerCors can now
guarantee that all specified exceptions are caught, as all relevant
exceptions are stated explicitly.
For example, if a method does not have a signals
stating it throws a RuntimeException
, VerCors assumes this
exception will never be thrown by the method. Another example, if a
throw new RuntimeException()
statement occurs in method M,
VerCors will give an error if M does not have a signals
clause for RuntimeException.
In some situations it might be necessary to opt into the more
realistic Java semantics of unchecked exceptions. VerCors does not
support this directly, but it can be moddeled with an additional
clause. To do this, an additional
clause must be added with the condition
. For example, we can modify the contract of the
earlier presented sum
method to allow throwing a
//@ signals (ArithmeticException e) a == 5 || b == 5;
//@ signals (RuntimeException e) true;
//@ ensures \result == (a + b);
void sum(int a, int b) {
if (a == 5 || b == 5) {
throw new ArithmeticException();
} else {
return a + b;
void useSum() {
int result = sum(5, 10);
System.out.println("Result: " + result);
If this example is checked by VerCors, it will yield an error in the
method. The error will complain that
might throw a RuntimeException
, but that
it is not specified in the contract nor handled in the
A way to resolve this would be to catch the
by wrapping the call to sum
in a try-catch
block. However, since catching a
is bad practice, it is sometimes better to
indicate in the contract of useSum
that useSum
might also throw a RuntimeException
. This propagates the
responsibility for handling the unchecked exception to the caller.
The signals_only
clause from JML (documented here)
is not supported by VerCors. It guarantees that the only types that will
be thrown by the method are the types listed in the
To simulate the functionality of
signals_only T1, ..., Tn
, a signals clause with the
condition true
can be added for each Ti
. For
example, the clause signals_only T1, T2;
can be simulated
by adding two signals
clauses to a method contract as
//@ signals (T1 e) true;
//@ signals (T2 e) true;
void m() {
Alternatively, the abbreviation of signals_only
documented in Section
9.9.5 of the JML reference manual can also be used to approximate
the semantics of signals_only
in VerCors.
PVL has support for goto
and label
. They
are useful for modeling control flow primitives not yet supported in
VerCors. The semantics are standard: when the goto l
statement is encountered, control flow is immediately transferred to the
location indicated by the label l
. For example, the
following program verifies:
int x = 3;
goto l;
= 4;
x ;
label lassert x == 3;
As PVL does not have a construct like finally
in Java,
there are no exceptions for the semantics of goto
One example where use of goto
might lead to confusing
results is the following. In the below example, goto
used to exit the while
loop. Because goto
redirects control flow to the destination label immediately, checking
the loop invariant is skipped.
int r = 10;
== 10;
loop_invariant r while (true) {
= 20;
r goto lbl2;
assert r == 10; // Never executed
label lbl2assert r == 20;
If it is desired that the loop invariant is checked at
as well, this can be modeled by adding asserts at the
exit labels of the while
VeyMont is a tool for verification of concurrent message passing programs, also called choreographies. It is implemented as an extension of VerCors. VeyMont generates an implementation from a choreography using the endpoint projection. In this implementation, each endpoint is executed as a thread, and is responsible for a part of the choreography. When these threads are all executed in parallel, the behaviour follows the choreography. Essentially, this projection preserves functional correctness, which is proven with VerCors on the choreography, and guarantees deadlock-freedom. In addition, contracts written in proper form are preserved and projected to the proper endpoint. This allows re-verification of the generated implementation, decreasing the need to trust the implementation of VeyMont, as well as allowing modifications to the generated implementation.
We will introduce the syntax of choreographies through a simple example. Then we will show how to verify it using the permission generation capabilities of VeyMont. Finally, we will introduce the syntax for choreography contracts & permissions, and channel invariants. Using these, we will verify a property of the example. We will assume the reader is familiar with PVL concepts such as permissions, the separating conjunction, contracts and classes. At the end of this section we will give some further directions for reading, as well as an overview of all syntax that VeyMont supports.
Choreographies are defined using the choreography
keyword. They have a name, arguments, and a body. For example, the next
code snippet defines a choreography named Example
, and has
two parameters, the integers x
and y
choreography Example(int x, int y) {
// Empty body
The body of a choreography consists of endpoint definitions and a
single run definition. Endpoint definitions have a name, a class type,
and arguments. For example, we can add a Store
class with
two integer fields. We then define two endpoints using the
class. We initialize the endpoints with the
and y
parameters from the main arguments of
the choreography.
class Store {
int v;
int temp;
constructor(int init) {
v = init;
choreography Example(int x, int y) {
endpoint alex = Store(x);
endpoint bobby = Store(y);
The Store
class is a regular PVL class, for more
information we refer the reader to the PVL documentation here.
It is sometimes omitted in this documentation, but it should be included
when verifying the choreography, as otherwise the program cannot be
The run definition of a choreography contains the logic of the
choreography, and determines the interactions between the endpoints. It
is defined using the run
keyword and a block of
choreographic statements. The next example exchanges the two values
using choreographic statements. First, each endpoint sends their
value to the temp
field of the other
endpoint using the communicate
statement. Then, each
endpoint copies the value in their temp
fields to their
fields using :=
, the choreographic
assignment operator. The difference between choreographic assignment and
regular assignment, is that a choreographic assignment may only read and
write to memory that is owned by the endpoint being assigned to.
choreography Example(int x, int y) {
endpoint alex = Store(x);
endpoint bobby = Store(y);
run {
communicate alex.v -> bobby.temp;
communicate bobby.v -> alex.temp;
alex.v := alex.temp;
bobby.v := bobby.temp;
This example lacks contracts and permissions. However, it can still be verified, and an implementation can also be generated. This can be done using the following command:
$ vercors --veymont example.pvl --generate-permissions --veymont-output example_output.pvl
[INFO] Start: VeyMont (at 10:52:56)
[INFO] Choreography verified successfully (duration: 00:00:10)
[INFO] Writing unknown.pvl to example_output.pvl
[INFO] Implementation generated successfully
[INFO] Implementation verified successfully (duration: 00:00:07)
[INFO] Done: VeyMont (at 10:53:14, duration: 00:00:17
This command executes several steps:
is also present, the implementation is
also written to the path given.If you want to use only one of these steps, you can use the
, --generate
, and
flags, respectively, to make veymont skip
the other steps.
Channel invariants & choreographic contracts can be used to
specify & verify functional correctness and memory safety. Using
choreographic contracts, we can manually specify the permissions that
VeyMont generated for us with the --generate-permissions
class Store {
int v;
int temp;
ensures Perm(v, 1) ** v == init;
ensures Perm(temp, 1);
constructor(int init) {
v = init;
choreography Example(int x, int y) {
endpoint alex = Store(x);
endpoint bobby = Store(y);
requires (\endpoint alex;
Perm(alex.v, 1) **
Perm(alex.temp, 1));
requires (\endpoint bobby;
Perm(bobby.v, 1) **
Perm(bobby.temp, 1));
run {
communicate alex.v -> bobby.temp;
communicate bobby.v -> alex.temp;
alex.v := alex.temp;
bobby.v := bobby.temp;
Specifically, we add permissions to the constructor of
, and permissions to the precondition of
. We use the \endpoint
expression to
indicate the endpoint for which the expressions is relevant. The
endpoint projection uses this information to decide which endpoint to
project an expression to. VeyMont knows a very simple inference rule,
which allows us to omit the \endpoint
expressions in some
cases. Essentially, whenever the endpoint context is directly inferrable
from the expression, VeyMont tries to do so. In this case, this shortens
the contract to the following:
choreography Example(int x, int y) {
endpoint alex = Store(x);
endpoint bobby = Store(y);
requires Perm(alex.v, 1) ** Perm(alex.temp, 1);
requires Perm(bobby.v, 1) ** Perm(bobby.temp, 1);
run {
communicate alex.v -> bobby.temp;
communicate bobby.v -> alex.temp;
alex.v := alex.temp;
bobby.v := bobby.temp;
VeyMont verifies the above two examples successfully.
We will now go one step further and specify functional correctness of
the above example. Specifically, we will verify that, if x
and y
are positive and negative respectively, the fields
and alex.v
will also be positive and
negative, respectively, after executing the choreography. We do this by
adding a contract to the main choreography, to constrain x
and y
. We also enhance the contract of run
adding this requirement. This results in the following choreography:
requires x > 0 && y < 0;
choreography Example(int x, int y) {
endpoint alex = Store(x);
endpoint bobby = Store(y);
requires Perm(alex.v, 1) ** Perm(alex.temp, 1) ** alex.v > 0;
requires Perm(bobby.v, 1) ** Perm(bobby.temp, 1) ** bobby.v < 0;
ensures Perm(alex.v, 1) ** alex.v < 0;
ensures Perm(bobby.v, 1) ** bobby.v > 0;
run {
communicate alex.v -> bobby.temp;
communicate bobby.v -> alex.temp;
alex.v := alex.temp;
bobby.v := bobby.temp;
This version does not yet verify. VeyMont reports an error on the
postcondition of the above choreograpy, reporting that
and bob.v
might not be negative and
positive, respectively. Note that this error is discovered only after
the choreography is verified! This shows an interesting aspect of
VeyMont: at the choreography level, properties over the transferred
values are included in the reasoning of VeyMont. While this is only
matters for primitive values like integers, it is ocasionally useful for
verifying choreographies. Note that, while the generated implementation
would not verify, it is not because of a bug: there are simply some
annotations missing.
In deductive program verification terms, there is a modularity boundary at the communicate statement, in the sense of modular verification. When verifying the choreography, this modularity boundary is transparent. When verifying the implementation, this modularity boundary is opaque. The decision of when and where to draw the modularity boundary is a topic of ongoing research, and might change in future versions of VeyMont.
We will now finish verifying the implementation by adding a property
over the message that is sent. This type of property is specified using
a channel invariant. Channel invariants are defined using the
keyword, followed by an expression.
Channel invariants must directly precede the communicate statement they
apply to. Within a channel invariant, the special expressions
, \sender
and \receiver
available. They refer to the message being sent, the sending and the
receiving endpoint, respectively. Within a channel invariant, there can
be no endpoint ownership expressions, as the owners are implictly
determined by the sending and receiving endpoint.
Adding the constraints as channel invariants results in the following choreography:
requires x > 0 && y < 0;
choreography Example(int x, int y) {
endpoint alex = Store(x);
endpoint bobby = Store(y);
requires Perm(alex.v, 1) ** Perm(alex.temp, 1) ** alex.v > 0;
requires Perm(bobby.v, 1) ** Perm(bobby.temp, 1) ** bobby.v < 0;
ensures Perm(alex.v, 1) ** alex.v < 0;
ensures Perm(bobby.v, 1) ** bobby.v > 0;
run {
channel_invariant \msg > 0;
communicate alex.v -> bobby.temp;
channel_invariant \msg < 0;
communicate bobby.v -> alex.temp;
alex.v := alex.temp;
bobby.v := bobby.temp;
The generated implementation of this final version of the choreography verifies.
More choreographies can be found in the test suite of VeyMont, as well as in the tool papers.
[contract] choreography Name(parameters...) { choreographic declarations... }
Defines a choreography named "Name", with zero or more parameters and a body of choreographic declarations. The choreography declaration may be preceded with a contract, which can be used to constrain the arguments.
endpoint a = ClassType(args...);
Defines an endpoint named a
of type
. When a
is initialized, the
constructor of ClassType
will be called with arguments
[contract] run { choreographic statements... }
The run
declaration defines the interactions between
endpoints. It contains zero or more choreographic statements.
(\endpoint a; expr)
Specifies that expression expr
belongs to endpoint
. This means that expression expr
will be
evaluated in the context of a
, using memory only available
to a
. The endpoint projection also uses this to decide
where to project an expression to.
(\chor expr)
Specifies that expression expr
belongs to no endpoint in
particular. It will be included when verifying the choreography, but
when generating an implementation this expression is discarded and
replaced with true
. This means that the generated
implementation might not verify. Essentially, \chor
is a
debugging construct, similar to the assume
statement. It is
useful to verify properties at the choreographic while they cannot be
verified at the generated implementation level yet.
Perm[a](obj.f, p)
This is shorthand syntax for
(\endpoint a; Perm(obj.f, p))
channel_invariant expr;
Specifies a property over a message being sent. Must directly precede a communicate statement.
communicate a.f -> b.f;
Indicates that a message is exchanged between endpoint a
and b
, the value being the f
field of
, the destination being the f
field of
communicate a: message -> b: target;
Extended form of the communicate statement, with a
being endpoints, message
being the
expression of the message to be sent, and target
assignable memory location for which b
has write
a.f := expr;
Assigns expr
to a.f
, in the context of
endpoint a
. This means VeyMont will report an error if
tries to read memory that a
does not
a: target := expr;
Assigns expr
to target
in the context of
endpoint a
. Used as a fallback when VeyMont cannot infer
the endpoint context directly from target
Refers to the message being sent.
, \receiver
Refer to the sender and receiver of the communicate statement.
VerCors allows you to define your own term rewriting rules via
files. This chapter shows you how.
The handling of magic wands is non-trivial, so this chapter takes a closer look at that. For further reading, see e.g. "Witnessing the elimination of magic wands". Blom, S.; and Huisman, M. STTT, 17(6): 757–781. 2015.
Also take a look at the Viper tutorial for wands: http://viper.ethz.ch/tutorial/?page=1§ion=#magic-wands
The "Magic Wand" or separating implication is a connective
in separation logic using the symbol -*
. It represents a
part of a resource (see "Predicates")
or "resource with a hole": A -* B
means "if you give me an
, I can give you a B
in return". Thus, it is
similar to a logical implication A ==> B
; however, it
consumes the A
when it is exchanged for a
A common use case is if you have a predicate defining a recursive
data structure like a linked list or a binary tree, and you take a part
of that data structure to reason about explicitly, like a sub-tree. You
can use the recursive predicate to reason about the sub-tree, but it is
more difficult to reason about the remainder of the original
tree: Since you took out the sub-tree and have explicit permission for
it, the recursive predicate for the whole tree can no longer have the
permission for that part, so it would have to stop recursing at a
certain point. With a wand, you can resolve this: For a tree
with left sub-tree L
and right sub-tree
, and a recursive predicate Tree(x)
, you can
split Tree(T)
Tree(L) ** (Tree(L)-*Tree(T))
. So you have the explicit
resource for the left sub-tree, and a wand such that if you join the
sub-tree back into it, you get the predicate for the whole tree back.
This joining is called applying the wand.
We will use the following binary tree as example:
final class Tree {
int value;
int priority;
Tree left;
Tree right;
resource tree() = Perm(value, write) ** Perm(priority, write) ** Perm(left, write) ** Perm(right, write)
** (left != null ==> left.tree()) ** (right != null ==> right.tree());
requires t.tree();
static pure boolean sorted(Tree t)
= t != null ==> \unfolding t.tree() \in
(t.left != null ==> sorted(t.left) && \unfolding t.left.tree() \in t.priority >= t.left.priority)
&& (t.right!= null ==> sorted(t.right) && \unfolding t.right.tree() \in t.priority >= t.right.priority);
So a Tree
contains a data item value
, a
priority and two references to the sub-trees; the tree
resource contains write permissions for all those fields, as well as
recursive permissions for the sub-trees; and the sorted
function ensures that the priority in the root node is the largest in
the Tree
(like in a priority queue).
To create a wand, use the keyword create {...}
. Inside
the curly braces, you have to provide the necessary information to
create the wand:
You need to explicitly specify which resources from the current
context should be folded into the wand. The keyword for this is
. Note that, like with folding a normal predicated, any
permissions folded into the wand are no longer available in the
environment. You can also use
boolean facts from the
current context, e.g. use a==b;
When creating a wand A-*B
, you need to describe how
exactly to merge A
with the content of the wand to obtain
. For example, A
may contain permissions for
the left sub-tree and the wand those for the right sub-tree, and to get
the full tree, you need to perform a fold
. All necessary
permissions and boolean facts for such a merger must be provided via
The final statement within the curly braces of create
has to be qed A-*B;
, with A-*B
being replaced
by the wand you created.
Note that the wand operator -*
has the
precedence like an implication, thus it is less binding than the
separating conjunct **
and boolean connectives like
requires t != null;
requires t.tree();
requires \unfolding t.tree() \in t.left != null;
ensures \result != null ** \result.tree();
ensures \result.tree() -* t.tree();
static Tree get_left(Tree t) {
//@ unfold t.tree();
Tree res = t.left;
create {
use Perm(t.value, write) ** Perm(t.priority, write) ** Perm(t.left, write) ** Perm(t.right, write);
use t.right != null ==> t.right.tree();
use res == t.left;
fold t.tree();
qed res.tree() -* t.tree();
return res;
Notice how in the example, all the permissions necessary for folding
are provided with use
except the part that is in the premise of the wand,
. If we had provided that as well, it would
have become part of the wand, rather than being the "missing piece", and
the first post-condition ensures tree(\result)
would have
failed for lack of permission (since this permission is bundled into the
wand, and no longer directly available). Additionally, we had to provide
the fact that res
is the left sub-tree of t
so that fold tree(t)
knows that the premise of the wand
fits into the missing part of the predicate.
To combine the "missing piece" with the wand and obtain the full
resource, use the keyword apply
. Since we already specified
how the merging works when we created the wand, no further logic is
needed now:
context t != null;
context t.tree();
requires \unfolding t.tree() \in t.left != null;
static boolean check_left_priority(Tree t, int max_priority) {
Tree left = get_left(t);
// now we have tree(left) and a wand tree(left) -* tree(t)
//@ unfold left.tree();
boolean res = left.priority <= max_priority;
//@ fold left.tree();
//@ apply left.tree() -* t.tree();
// now left.tree() is no longer directly available, but t.tree() is back
return res;
Sometimes, we may want to reason about the things contained in a
wand; for example we decompose a sorted tree, and want to say it will be
sorted again after the merger. However, as long as tree(t)
is split into the sub-tree and the wand, we cannot call
as it needs the full predicate
. But simply ignoring the sortedness when splitting
and later merging again would mean that we can no longer make any
assertions about sortedness afterwards. As a solution, we encode the
property into the wand, by adding conjuncts to the premise and
antecedence of the wand: A**B -* C**D
. We can only apply
such a wand if we hold the permissions of A
the properties in B
hold. This stricter requirement is
rewarded with the fact that we will get both the permissions in
and the properties of D
after applying the
Note that VerCors currently only allows method calls
as conjuncts in wands, so properties like an equality a==b
must be wrapped in a function in order to be used.
requires t != null ** t.tree();
static boolean wand_helper(Tree t, int max_prio)
= \unfolding t.tree() \in t.priority <= max_prio;
yields int root_prio;
requires t != null;
requires t.tree() ** sorted(t);
requires \unfolding t.tree() \in t.left != null;
ensures \result != null ** \result.tree();
ensures sorted(\result) && wand_helper(\result, root_prio);
ensures \result.tree() ** sorted(\result) ** wand_helper(\result, root_prio)
t.tree() ** sorted(t);
static Tree get_left_sorted(Tree t) {
//@ unfold t.tree();
//@ ghost root_prio = t.priority;
Tree res = t.left;
create {
// necessary parts for t.tree()
use Perm(t.value, write) ** Perm(t.priority, write) ** Perm(t.left, write) ** Perm(t.right, write);
use t.right != null ==> t.right.tree();
use res == t.left;
// necessary parts for t.sorted()
use res != null;
use t.priority == root_prio;
use t.right != null ==> sorted(t.right) && \unfolding t.right.tree() \in t.priority >= t.right.priority;
// assemble parts
fold t.tree();
qed res.tree() ** sorted(res) ** wand_helper(res, root_prio)
t.tree() ** sorted(t);
return res;
context t != null;
context t.tree() ** sorted(t);
requires \unfolding t.tree() \in t.left != null;
static boolean check_left_priority_sorted(Tree t, int max_priority) {
//@ ghost int root_prio;
Tree left = get_left_sorted(t) /*@ then { root_prio = root_prio; } @*/;
// now we have left.tree(), sorted(left) and wand_helper(left, root_prio), as well as the wand
//@ unfold left.tree();
boolean res = left.priority <= max_priority;
//@ fold left.tree();
//@ apply (left.tree() ** sorted(left) ** wand_helper(left, root_prio)) -* (t.tree() ** sorted(t));
// now left.tree() is no longer directly available, but t.tree() is back and sorted
return res;
Now, when creating the wand, we need to use
information in order to be able to ensure sortedness after the merger:
The condition for the right side can simply be provided. The condition
for the left side is part of the premise of the wand (in particular
). The comparison between the priority of the root
and the priority of the left node is wrapped into a helper function,
. Since the premise of the wand contains no
permissions for t.priority
, we use a ghost variable
to communicate that value.
Applying the wand is nearly as simple as before. However, we again
need to use the ghost variable root_prio
as an intermediate
storage for the priority of t
You see that adding such additional constraints about the wand's
resources is possible, but can carry significant overhead of helper
functions, use
statements, etc.
// TODO: Explain inhale and exhale statements (add warning!)
This page is to explain what the different error messages in VerCors mean. We try to keep this page alphabetically ordered by error message (case insensitive sorting. For sentences: spaces come before letters in the alphabet). If you have a question about error messages, please add a question to this wiki page. If you know the answer to a question asked here, please replace the question with the answer (or with a link to the answer elsewhere on the wiki).
This means you are trying to write to a variable (at the left hand
side of an assignment) to which VerCors cannot establish a
write-permission. The statement assert(Perm(lhs,1));
which lhs
is the left hand side of this assignment will
fail at this point in your code, but should be provable.
This is a internal VerCors error, that might be due to a parse-error in your script. We have opened a issue for this here.
This seems to happen when you try to specify a
in a for
-loop, where you're
using a resource as invariant. Try using context
(short for
and requires
combined) instead. Are
you getting this message in a different situation? Do let us know!
This is never supposed to happen, but unfortunately, it did. Thank you for finding this bug in VerCors. Try searching our issue tracker to see if you believe this bug is already being addressed. If not, please let us know about it by adding it!
This is a parsing error, you may have made a typo, or inadvertently
used a reserved keyword as a variable. Check your code at the position
indicated. If this is the start of a line, make sure there is a
semicolon ;
at the previous line.
This error is shown at a specification. We require rules to be 'self framing', this means that you need read-permission in order to access variables, even inside specifications. Furthermore, checks like array accesses being within bounds need to hold. The order of the specifications makes a difference here: the lines of your specifications are checked from top to bottom, and from left to right. In order to establish permissions and bounds, add a line of specification before the line that gives you trouble, asserting that you have read permission, or that the access is within bounds.
If you see this error in the \old(..)
part of an ensures
expression, you need permission to that variable before executing the
function. For constructors (e.g. foo
method of class
), there is no \old(this.x)
, as the
variable this.x
is only created when the constructor is
When calling the constructor method of a class, the class variables
are not yet initialised. Therefore, you should not refer to them. Do you
need write-permission? Don't worry, the class constructor already has it
by definition (as it implicitly creates the variables)! In particular,
use ensures
instead of context
This is a type error. You are using a symbol like
that requires boolean values on both sides.
Changing &&
to **
, or breaking up your
specification into multiple lines might solve the problem for you.
See VerCors crashes when predicates are unfolded.
Viper requires that all forall
with permission
expressions (forall*
in VerCors) are "injective". That
means that different values for the quantified variable(s) must result
in different memory locations in the permission expression. For example
(\forall* int k; 0<=k && k<arr.length; Perm(arr[k].myField, 1))
different k
must point to different array elements, i.e.
must be different from arr[j]
. You need to add a condition like
(\forall int i, int j; 0<=i && i<j && j<arr.length; arr[i] != arr[j])
before the quantifier that "may not be unique". And if
is an object, you might need to do the same for
and arr[j].myField
. More info
is here.
On this page you can find a description of the specification language of VerCors. In general, the specification language extends the language that is verified, like Java. That means that all types, (pure) operators, etc. from the source language can also be used in the specifications, together with the specification-only constructs described below.
Additionally, this page describes PVL, the Prototypal Verification Language. It is a language similar to Java or C and can be verified like them, so the same specification constructs are available. However, it is developed specifically for VerCors, so we also provide the information that is usually found in the language documentation, like the C standard.
Specifications are usually embedded in JML-like comments:
/*@ spec @*/
or //@ spec line
Exception: In PVL, specifications are
not embedded in comments, instead they are written into
the code directly.
In PVL, identifiers can consist of the characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and _. However, they must start with an underscore or letter (a-z, A-Z).
In specifications, the same rules apply for identifiers as in the language that is specified, e.g. Java identifiers in specifications of Java.
Note that the following words are reserved and can therefore
not be used as identifiers: create, action, destroy,
send, recv, use, open, close, atomic, from, merge, split, process,
apply, label, \result, write, read, none, empty and current_thread.
However, keywords can be wrapped in backticks, to turn them into
identifiers, e.g. create
cannot be used as an identifier,
but `create`
is an identifier.
Most specification constructs are self-contained statements, like
preconditions, loop invariants or ghost assignments. Those end with a
semicolon ;
. However, a few elements, like
side conditions, are parts of another statement, and
do not have their own semicolon.
:class ClassName {
// Here you can add any constructors, class variables and method declarations
is used to refer to the current
object, null
for the null reference ("pointer to
nothing").// This is a single-line comment
This is a
multi-line comment
.The following table lists the basic and composed data types supported in the specification language.
Type | Description |
resource |
Boolean-like type that also allows reasoning about permissions. See https://github.com/utwente-fmt/vercors/wiki/Predicates |
frac |
Fraction, used for permission amounts. See https://github.com/utwente-fmt/vercors/wiki/Permissions |
zfrac |
Fraction that can also be zero. |
rational |
Unbounded rational number |
bool |
Boolean value that is either true or
false |
string |
Text, i.e. a string of characters |
ref |
Reference to an object, similar to Viper's Ref type.
Mostly for internal usage, e.g. ADT definitions. |
process |
Type of actions and defined processes in process algebra models. See https://github.com/utwente-fmt/vercors/wiki/Process-Algebra-Models |
any |
Artificial type that is a supertype of any other type. Mostly for internal usage, e.g. rewrite rules. |
nothing |
Artificial type that is a subtype of any other type. Mostly for internal usage, e.g. rewrite rules. |
seq<T> |
Defines an immutable ordered list (sequence). T should
be replaced by a type. See https://github.com/utwente-fmt/vercors/wiki/Axiomatic-Data-Types |
set<T> |
Defines an immutable orderless collection that does not allow
duplicates ("set"). T should be replaced by a type. See https://github.com/utwente-fmt/vercors/wiki/Axiomatic-Data-Types |
bag<T> |
Defines an immutable orderless collection that does allow duplicates
("bag" or "multiset"). T should be replaced by a type. See
https://github.com/utwente-fmt/vercors/wiki/Axiomatic-Data-Types |
map<T1, T2> |
Defines an immutable orderless collection of key/value pairs that
does not allow duplicate keys ("map", "record" or "dictionary").
T1 and T2 should be replaced by Types. See https://github.com/utwente-fmt/vercors/wiki/Axiomatic-Data-Types |
option<T> |
Extends type T with an extra element None .
Each element is then either None or of the style
Some(e) where e is of type T .
T should be replaced by a type. Options cannot be unpacked
at the moment. See https://github.com/utwente-fmt/vercors/wiki/Axiomatic-Data-Types |
tuple<T1,T2> |
Defines a pair, where the first entry is of type T1 and
the second of type T2 . Can be nested to create larger
tuples. See https://github.com/utwente-fmt/vercors/wiki/Axiomatic-Data-Types |
pointer<T> |
Defines the type of a pointer to an element of type T .
T should be replaced by a type. See https://github.com/utwente-fmt/vercors/wiki/Arrays-and-Pointers |
type<T> |
Used to define type variables that are subtype of T .
Mostly used for rewrite rules, e.g.
(\forall type<any> T; (\forall T t; expr)) |
either<T1, T2> |
Defines the type of an object o that is either of type
T1 or of type T2 . See TODO |
language type | A type from the base language, e.g. Java, can also be used in the
specifications for that language. This usually provides basic types like
int . |
In PVL, the specification types above can also be used in the regular program. Additionally, the following types are available:
Type | Description |
int |
Integer |
boolean |
true or false |
void |
Used when a method does not return anything |
float32 |
32-bit floating point number (Note: support still limited) |
float64 |
64-bit floating point number (Note: support still limited) |
char |
Character |
T[] |
Array which contains elements of type T . T
should be replaced by a type. Note that when you initialize a new array,
you should always define the length of the array, e.g.
new int[3] instead of new int[] . |
Code | Description |
\ |
Division that creates a frac , rather than integer
rounding. Same precedence as multiplication and division. |
==> |
Logical implication. The left side should be boolean-typed, the right side boolean or resource. Lower precedence than disjunction ` |
** |
Separating conjunction. a ** b denotes that
a and b point to different variables on the
heap and that both expressions must evaluate to true. This is used to
reason about multiple resources. Same precedence as conjunction
&& . See https://github.com/utwente-fmt/vercors/wiki/Permissions |
-* |
"Magic wand" or "separating implication". Same precedence as
implication ==> . See https://github.com/utwente-fmt/vercors/wiki/Magic-Wands |
[p]pred(<args>) |
[p] before a predicate invocation scales all
permissions in pred by a factor of p . See https://github.com/utwente-fmt/vercors/wiki/Predicates |
Left(e) |
// unclear. Seems related to type "either" TODO |
Right(e) |
// unclear. Seems related to type "either" TODO |
?. |
o?.m(<args>) is a conditional invocation of
method m , equivalent to
o!=null ==> o.m(<args>) . See https://github.com/utwente-fmt/vercors/wiki/Specification-Syntax |
m() given {a=b, c=d} |
Invokes method m with expression b as
value of ghost parameter a and similar for c
and d . See https://github.com/utwente-fmt/vercors/wiki/Specification-Syntax |
m() yields {a=b, c=d} |
Invokes method m , and storing ghost return value
b in a and similar for c and
d . See https://github.com/utwente-fmt/vercors/wiki/Specification-Syntax |
with |
augment an expression with a side effect to happen before evaluating
it, e.g. /*@ with specInit(); @*/ init() . Previously used
for ghost parameters, now obsolete (?) // TODO |
then |
augment an expression with a side effect to happen after evaluating
it, e.g. init() /*@ then specInit(); @*/ . Previously used
for ghost return values, now obsolete (?) // TODO |
(\let T t = exprA; exprB) |
Evaluates exprB , replacing every occurence of
t with the result of evaluatingexprA . The
surrounding parentheses ( ) are required. |
Axiomatic Data types have several dedicated operators. Some also have
corresponding functions, e.g. s1.subsetOf(s2)
s1 <= s2
. There are also functions that do not have an
operator equivalence, e.g. xs.removeAt(i)
. See https://github.com/utwente-fmt/vercors/wiki/Axiomatic-Data-Types
for the full list.
Code | Description |
+ |
Sequence concatenation, Set union, Bag union |
- |
Set difference, Bag difference |
* |
Set intersection, Bag intersection |
< , <= |
strict subset, or subset-or-equal, respectively (also for bags) |
xs[k] |
Sequence indexing: k th element of sequence
xs ; Map indexing: value associated with key
k |
:: |
x :: xs prepends element x to the front of
sequence xs . |
++ |
xs ++ x appends element x to the end of
sequence xs . // Note: Discouraged, support may get
removed. |
e[l .. r] |
Range indexing of sequence e (slicing). Creates a new
sequence with the elements of e between indices
l (incl.) and r (excl.). One of l
or r may be omitted. |
e[k -> v] |
Updating of map e at index k to new value
v (not in-place). |
` | xs |
\values(e1, e2, e3) |
create a sequence that stores the values from array e1
between indices e2 and e3 . |
Some(e) |
Turns expression e of type T into an
expression of type option<T> containing
e . |
seq<T>{vals} or [vals] |
sequence literal containing values vals (of type
T ). |
set<T>{vals} or {vals} |
set literal containing values vals (of type
T ). |
bag<T>{vals} or b{vals} |
bag literal containing values vals (of type
T ). |
map<T1, T2>{k1->v1, k2->v2,...} |
map literal mapping k1 (of type T1 ) to
v1 (of type T2 ), etc. |
tuple<T1, T2>{v1, v2} |
tuple literal containing the two values v1 (of type
T1 ) and v2 (of type T2 ). |
[t: T] , {t: T} , b{t: T} |
literal describing the empty seq<T> ,
set<T> and bag<T> , respectively.
Note that T is a type parameter that should be replaced
with the appropriate type, while t: is part of the syntax
and should occur literally, e.g.
int[] emp = [t: int]; . |
{l .. r} |
Literal of type seq<int> describing the integer
range from l (incl) to r (excl). |
`set |
selectors ; filter }` |
x \in xs |
Membership check if element x is contained in
collection xs . Note: For bags, it returns the number of
occurrences, not a boolean. |
(\sum int idx; range; e) |
Sequence summation: sum expression e (which depends on
the index idx ) for all indices within the given range.
Note: currently not supported. |
Code | Description |
== , != |
Equals and not equals for reasoning about the equality of expressions |
&& , ` |
< , <= , > ,
>= |
Smaller-than, smaller-or-equal, greater-than and greater-or-equal, respectively, for comparing numerical expressions. |
+ , - , * , / ,
% , ^^ |
Addition, subtraction, multiplication, integer division, modulo and power/exponentiation respectively. |
++ , -- |
As a postfix operator i++ , increase i by 1
(resp. decrease for -- ). Also note the ++
binary operator above. |
new T(<args>) |
Creates a new object of type T . |
new T[length] |
Creates a new array which contains objects of type T
with length number of items. |
boolExpr ? exprA : exprB; |
Evaluates boolExpr , if this is true it will return
exprA and otherwise exprB . |
Code | Description |
(\forall vars; cond; boolExpr) |
Universal quantifier: For all specified variables, if they fulfil
the given condition, they must fulfil the boolean expression.
vars should declare one or more variables over which we
will reason. For integer variables, it can also directly specify their
range. cond can be any boolean expression, often used to
describe the range of vars (if not already defined in
vars itself). cond and the subsequent
semicolon can be omitted. boolExpr is some expression that
should evaluate to a boolean for all variables in the given range.
Example: (\forall int i=0 .. a.length; a[i]>0) , which
means a[0]>0 && a[1]>0 && ... Note:
the outer parentheses are required. See https://github.com/utwente-fmt/vercors/wiki/Specification-Syntax |
(\forall* vars; cond; expr) |
Similar construct to the \forall except that the
expressions are separated by ** instead of
&& . One can for example write
(\forall* int j=0 .. a.length; Perm(a[j], write)) which
denotes that the thread has writing access to all elements in
a . Note: the outer parentheses are required. See https://github.com/utwente-fmt/vercors/wiki/Specification-Syntax |
(\exists vars; cond; expr) |
Evaluates to true if expr evaluates to true for at
least one of the possible assignments to the variables in
vars , where the assignment also satisfies the condition
cond . The latter and the respective semicolon can be
omitted. Note: the outer parentheses are required. See https://github.com/utwente-fmt/vercors/wiki/Specification-Syntax |
array[*] |
This is syntactic sugar for a \forall* expression that
ranges over all elements in the array array , typically used
in a Perm expression. Instead of the example above for
\forall* , you can then write
Perm(array[*], write) . This cannot be used
within nested \forall* expressions. See https://github.com/utwente-fmt/vercors/wiki/Permissions |
(\forperm T1 o1, ..., Tn on \in loc; expr) |
Universal quantifier over accessible locations: Boolean expression
expr has to hold for all variables o1 of type
T1 , ..., on of type Tn for which
we currently have at least read permission to loc . Example:
(\forperm MyClass obj \in obj.f; obj.f==0) Note: the outer
parentheses are required. |
Code | Description |
\result |
The value that the method returns, only allowed in postconditions. See https://github.com/utwente-fmt/vercors/wiki/Specification-Syntax |
\old(expr) |
Refers to the value of expr based on the heap when the
method was called. This expression is typically used in postconditions
(ensures) or loop invariants, but can also occur e.g. in
assert statements. Note: local variables are evaluated to
their current value, not their old value. See https://github.com/utwente-fmt/vercors/wiki/Specification-Syntax |
held(x) |
Check whether you are holding a non-reentrant lock. x
should refer to the lock invariant. See also: Queue.pvl. |
commited(x) |
Check whether lock x has been initialised. See https://github.com/utwente-fmt/vercors/wiki/Atomics-and-Locks |
idle(t) |
Returns true if thread t is idle (before calling
t.fork() or after calling t.join() ). Overall a
thread starts as idle, if the thread is forked, it goes to a 'running'
state. If join is called on a running thread, then it goes back to an
'idle' state. For examples, see https://github.com/utwente-fmt/vercors/blob/dev/examples/concepts/forkjoin/ |
running(t) |
Returns true if thread t is running. Overall a thread
can go through the following states: idle --[t.fork()]--> running
--[t.join()]--> idle. For examples, see https://github.com/utwente-fmt/vercors/blob/dev/examples/concepts/forkjoin/ |
\polarity_dependent(onInhale, onExhale) |
Evaluate this expression differently, depending on whether it is
inhaled (e.g. precondition when verifying method body) or exhaled (e.g.
precondition when verifying calling context). onInhale and
onExhale are the two forms of this expression.
Note: Use with care, can easily cause unsoundness!
Code | Description |
Perm(var, p) |
Defines permissions for variable var . If p
is 1 or write then it denotes write
permission, anything between 0 and 1 or read denotes read
permission. Be aware that you cannot use arithmetic when using
read such as read/2 or dividing
read among multiple threads! Perm(...) is of
the type Resource. See https://github.com/utwente-fmt/vercors/wiki/Permissions |
perm(var) |
The amount of permission currently held for variable
var . Do not confuse with capitalised
Perm above! perm(x) is of the type
frac. See TODO |
PointsTo(var, p, val) |
Denotes permissions p for variable var
similar to Perm() . Moreover, variable var
points to the value val . PointsTo() is of the
type Resource. See https://github.com/utwente-fmt/vercors/wiki/Permissions |
Value(var) |
Defines a read-only permission on the given variable. This read-only permission cannot become a write permission and it can duplicate as often as necessary. See https://github.com/utwente-fmt/vercors/wiki/Permissions |
HPerm(var, p) |
History permission, related to process algebra models. See https://github.com/utwente-fmt/vercors/wiki/Process-Algebra-Models |
APerm(var, p) |
Action permission, related to process algebra models. See https://github.com/utwente-fmt/vercors/wiki/Process-Algebra-Models |
ArrayPerm(arr, i, step, count, perm) |
Denotes permission p to arr[i] ,
arr[i+step] , ..., arr[i+(count-1)*step] .
Currently not supported. TODO |
\array(arr, len) |
Shortcut for arr != null && arr.length == len .
Does not specify permissions. See https://github.com/utwente-fmt/vercors/wiki/Arrays-and-Pointers |
\matrix(mat, m, n) |
Indicates that mat is an m by
n matrix, i.e. an array of pairwise-distinct arrays.
Contains read permissions for the outer array, but no
permissions for the matrix elements. See https://github.com/utwente-fmt/vercors/wiki/Arrays-and-Pointers |
\pointer(x, size, p) |
Indicates that x is a pointer, like an array in C.
Elements x[0] to x[size-1] are not
NULL and can be dereferenced. For each of them, we have
permission p . See https://github.com/utwente-fmt/vercors/wiki/Arrays-and-Pointers |
\pointer_index(x, idx, p) |
Indicates that x is a pointer or array in C, which is
not NULL. For x[idx] , we have permission p (no
statement about other array elements). See https://github.com/utwente-fmt/vercors/wiki/Arrays-and-Pointers |
\pointer_block_length(x) |
The length of the pointer block (i.e. C array) that x
is part of. This is the size (in the amount of elements) of the
allocation that x is a part of. |
\pointer_block_offset(x) |
The offset of x within the pointer block (i.e. C
array). This is the offset (in the amount of elements) of the pointer
x compared to the start of the allocation that
x is a part of. |
\pointer_block(x) |
The block which contains the location x . You may need
to assume that a pointer originates from the same block as another
pointer if VerCors cannot figure out that the two pointers have the same
provenance. (i.e. they originate from the same allocation) |
\pointer_length(x) |
The remaining length of the pointer block (i.e. C array) that
x is a part of starting at x . This is the
amount of locations for elements (including this one) between
x and the end of the allocation. |
PVL provides similar control flow constructs as other languages, e.g. loops and methods. However, there are also some unique additional control flow constructs that are explained here.
Control flow construct | Example |
contract returnType methodName(paramType paramName, ...) { ... } |
Method definition. contract should describe the
specification of the method (see "Verification flow constructs" below).
returnType should be replaced by a PVL type described as
above, depending on what (if anything) the method returns.
methodName should be replaced by the name of the function.
paramType paramName, ... is a comma-separated list of
parameters, for every parameter you should define its type and its name.
It is also possible to have no parameters. The body is placed within
parentheses. Example:
ensures \result == a + b; int sum(int a, int b) { return a + b; } |
contract returnType methodName(paramType paramName, ...); |
Abstract method definition. like above, except no implementation is specified in the body, just a semicolon. **Note: Be careful, it is easy to create unsoundness with abstract methods! ** |
contract pure returnType methodName(paramType paramName, ...) = expr; |
(Pure) function definition. Similar to a method, except no side effects are allowed, and the body is just a single expression. See https://github.com/utwente-fmt/vercors/wiki/Specification-Syntax |
return expr; |
Exit current method and return value of expression
expr . The expression can be omitted for void
methods. |
if(cond) thenStmt else elseStmt |
Branching control flow, depending on value of boolean expression
cond . Statements thenStmt and
elseStmt can be single statements, or compound statements
using {...} . The else branch can be
omitted. |
loopContract for (init; cond; update) stmt |
Classic for loop. loopContract defines
loop invariants and variants as defined below. The body
stmt can be a single statement, or compound using
{...} . The initialisation init can be one or
more statements separated by comma, or omitted. The same holds for the
update statement(s). The boolean expression
cond can also be omitted. |
loopContract for(T var = lo .. hi) stmt |
Ranged for loop. loopContract and
stmt as above. The loop variable var (of type
T ) ranges from lo (incl.) to hi
(excl.). |
loopContract while (cond) stmt |
Classic while loop. loopContract and
stmt as above, boolean condition cond . |
par identifier(iters) contract { ... } |
Parallel block. See https://github.com/utwente-fmt/vercors/wiki/Parallel-Blocks |
parallel { parBlocks } |
sequential { parBlocks } |
vec (iters) { ... } |
Vector block: A variant of the parallel block where every step is
executed in lock step. iters should define what variables
are iterated over, e.g., int i = 0..10 . Not the absence of
a contract, compared to regular par blocks. |
atomic(inv) { ... } |
Atomic block: performs the actions within the block atomically. See https://github.com/utwente-fmt/vercors/wiki/Atomics-and-Locks |
invariant invName(expr) { ... } |
Define resource expression expr as a named invariant
that can then be referenced inside the given block {...} ,
e.g. by an atomic |
barrier(identifier) contract { ... } |
Barrier: waits for all threads to reach this point in the program, then permissions can be redistributed amongst all threads, after which the threads are allowed to continue. See https://github.com/utwente-fmt/vercors/wiki/Parallel-Blocks |
fork expr; |
starts a new thread. |
join expr; |
waits for the specified thread to complete. |
wait expr; |
pause the thread until it is notified to continue. |
notify expr; |
notify another thread that it may continue if it is waiting. |
lock expr; |
Acquire a lock. See https://github.com/utwente-fmt/vercors/wiki/Atomics-and-Locks |
unlock expr; |
Release a lock. See https://github.com/utwente-fmt/vercors/wiki/Atomics-and-Locks |
label l; |
Label: indicates a location in the program that can be jumped to
with goto l . |
goto l; |
jump to the location of the label l . |
communicate x.f1 -> y.f2; |
VeyMont syntax: send value of field x.f1 to field
y.f2 . Opposite direction also possible via
<- . |
Code | Description |
assert expr; |
Check that boolean or resource expression expr holds at
this program point. |
assume expr; |
Assume without checking that boolean expression expr
holds at this program point. ** Note: Careful, can easily cause
unsoundness! ** |
requires expr; |
Method or function precondition: Boolean or resource expression
expr is checked to hold when calling this method, and
assumed to hold when verifying the method body. Defined as part of a
method contract, as well as e.g. contracts for parallel blocks. |
ensures expr; |
Method or function postcondition: Boolean or resource expression
expr is assumed to hold immediately after calling this
method, and checked to hold when verifying the method body. Defined as
part of a method contract, as well as e.g. contracts for parallel
blocks. |
context expr; |
Shorthand that combines requires expr and
ensures expr . |
loop_invariant expr; |
Loop invariant: Boolean or resource expression expr
must hold before entering the loop and after each loop iteration. Part
of a loop contract. |
context_everywhere expr; |
Shorthand that combines requires expr and
ensures expr . Moreover, it also adds
loop_invariant expr; to all loops within the method. Part
of a method contract. |
given T p; |
Ghost input parameter: Defines a specification-only parameter
p of type T that must be passed when this
method is called (see given above). Part of a method
contract. |
yields T p; |
Ghost output parameter: Defines a specification-only return value
p of type T . p can be assigned in
the method body like a local variable; the last assigned value is
automatically returned to the caller, who can store it in their own
local variable (see yields above). Part of a method
contract. |
fold pred(...); |
Fold a predicate, i.e. wrap permissions inside. See https://github.com/utwente-fmt/vercors/wiki/Predicates |
unfold pred(...); |
Unfold predicate, i.e. unwrap the contained permissions. See https://github.com/utwente-fmt/vercors/wiki/Predicates |
\unfolding pred(...) \in expr |
Temporarily unfold predicate in (pure) expression expr .
See https://github.com/utwente-fmt/vercors/wiki/Predicates |
refute expr; |
Disproves expr at this program point. Internally it is
translated to assert !(expr) . |
inhale expr; |
Take in the permissions specified in the resource expression
expr , i.e. add them to the current set of permissions
without checking. Additionally, assume without checking all boolean
properties contained in expr . Note: Be careful,
this can easily lead to unsoundness! |
exhale expr; |
Assert all permissions and boolean properties contained in
expr , then discard the specified permissions, i.e. remove
them from the current set of permissions. |
witness x; |
Obsolete syntax to declare witness names for the old backend Chalice. This feature is deprecated and should no longer be used. |
send channelName, delta: expr; |
Transfer permissions and boolean facts contained in the resource
expression expr to another thread, identified via the
channel name. Used within parallelised loops, and delta is
the amount of loop iterations how far the expression is sent ahead.
Example: send S,1: Perm(arr[i+1], 1\2); sends permission
for the next array element to the next iteration. That way, the next
iteration can write to its arr[i] , even if it did not
originally have all the permission. See e.g. https://github.com/utwente-fmt/vercors/blob/dev/examples/concepts/arrays/JavaArrayExamples.java.
See also recv below. |
recv channelName; |
Receive the expression sent by a send as specified
above, with the matching channel name. Blocks until it is received. |
Histories and futures, jointly referred to as "Process algebra models" are currently under redesign. Thus, the following parts may not be up to date.
Code | Description |
process |
Type of actions and defined processes in histories. |
process1 + process 2 |
Do either process1 or process2 |
process1 * process 2 |
Sequential composition, do process1 followed by
process2 |
`process1 |
Code | Description |
History hist |
Declare a History object called hist |
HPerm(var, p) |
History-specific permissions where var refers to a
variable in the history and p is the amount of permissions
(a value between 0 and 1) |
APerm(var, p) |
History-specific permissions within action blocks where
var refers to a variable in the history and p
is the amount of permissions (a value between 0 and 1) |
Hist(var, p, val) |
Similar to PointsTo , it denotes permissions
p for variable var (which is in a history).
Moreover, variable var points to the value
val . |
AbstractState(h, boolExpr) |
This can be used to check that the given boolean expression holds in
the history (or future) h |
action(h, perm, preState, postState) { ... } |
The action describes how the state of the history (or future) is
changed by the code within { ... } . The pre- and post-state
describe the state of the history (or future) in terms of processes.
perm describes the permissions we have on the history (or
future) and h is the name of the history (or future) |
create h |
Create a history. Note that the History class should be instantiated beforehand. |
destroy h, val |
Destroy a history h which has the value
val |
split h, p1, val1, p2, val2 |
Split a history (or future) into two such that the first part has
permissions p1 and value val1 and the second
part has permissions p2 and value val2 |
merge h, p1, val1, p2, val2 |
Merge two histories (or futures) such that resulting history
h has permissions p1+p2 and consists of
combination of the actions described in val1 and
val2 |
modifies vars |
List of locations that might be modified |
accessible vars |
List of locations that might be accessed |
Code | Description |
Future f |
Declare a Future object called f |
Future(f, p, val) |
It denotes that we have permissions p on future
f of which the state is val |
choose f, p1, pre, post |
//TODO check this support and definition |
create f, val |
Create a future f with the initial state
val |
destroy f |
Destroy the future f |
If you're doing a project with VerCors, ask us about the VerCors community chat.
Required: at least java 11
Should be just unzip and go.
Requires java 11 & sbt. Benefits: allows setting breakpoints in intellij. See VerCors README/Wiki for details.
vercors inputFile.java --backend
Where backend
can be either silicon
Of course, --help
Backends: --carbon
(slower, but based on boogie, so
sometimes more powerful), --silicon
(faster, built by ETH
Zurich, sometimes not as smart as Carbon)
Progress printing of individual passes: --progress
Slows down execution but prints more debug info upon crashes:
--debug vct.main.Main
Triggers a system notification upon completion:
Flag: --disable-sat
Turns off detection of unsound preconditions. Not needed in general use of VerCors. Might be necessary if you have a lot of foralls in preconditions, and verification is slow.
Java example:
class C {
//@ requires 1 == 2; // <-- Normally this causes an error, --disable-sat turns this off
void m() {
Flags: --show-before passName
--show-after passName
Show textual representation of internal AST before and after a pass.
Pass names can be seen by running VerCors with
Dump AST given to silicon/carbon into a text file:
--encoded temp.sil
This can be opened in VScode with the ETH Zurich Viper plugin/extension installed (see the vscode store for this).
folder in the repository:
, demo/demo2.pvl
This page lists all the case studies that have been done with VerCors.
Be aware that not all student projects verify complete functional correctness!
In Summer 2024, Pieter wrote this developer's guide on the internals of VerCors: https://pieter-bos.github.io/vercors-doc/. It provides some useful background on the setup of the project, and how to do certain tasks.
Some general guidelines/notes to take into account when developing for VerCors:
Below you can find a description of what a typical workflow looks like.
directory, create a new
branch by executing the following command:
git branch branch_name
. Replace branch_name
the name for your branch. This name can reflect what you will fix. For
example if you are going to fix issue 1, then you can name the branch
"issue1". Or if you add support for automatic generation of invariants,
then you can name the branch "automaticInvariants".git checkout branch_name
.git push origin branch_name
.VerCors verifies programs by going through four stages:
loops to
loops, by placing the initialization before a new
while loop, retaining the condition, and appending the update to the end
of the loop body.There are also a few cross-cutting concerns:
The VerCors project sources are managed on GitHub, at https://github.com/utwente-fmt/vercors.
The unstable development branch is dev
, from where we
branch to develop new features and bugfixes. Those with access may push
feature branches to the main repository, or create a fork if they
prefer. A pull request is then made and reviewed by someone
Pushed commits as well as pull requests are checked via continuous integration, currently Github Actions. Github builds Vercors and runs the test suite. Once the checks pas and a code review is completed, the PR is merged in dev. In dev is also where we hope to notice bad interactions between new features.
We aim to make a new VerCors release once per month, which is done
via a tagged merge commit to the master
branch, followed by
a GitHub release.
VerCors is written in java and scala. Code is accepted in either language, but we encourage you to take the time to learn some Scala - it is much better suited to manipulating ASTs. The build structure is defined in the mill build tool.
NB: this information quickly becomes out of date as vercors is refactored.
is the root build definition. It configures
global plugin options, wires sub-project dependencies, configures
run-time build information, denotes external dependencies, configures
metadata about the project and configures compiler options.mill
bootstrap and run the build
tool Mill./.github/workflows
configures Github Actions to run the test
assembles the Github wiki into a
latex-flavoured pdf/bin
Convenience run scripts that compile and then run VerCors. They are
helpful because they start up slightly quicker than e.g.
./mill vercors.run
, and VerCors starts in the foreground so
pretty-printing is supported.
generates a bash command completion
This directory serves the dual purpose of being an archive of past case studies and competition results, as well as the test suite of VerCors. Files in this directory have a header denoting how they are used in the test suite. Names denoted by "case" or "cases" are collected, where overlapping names are joined together as one test case. Files may occur in more than one "case." "tools" denotes the backend used (silicon by default), "verdict" the expected final result (Pass by default).
: this can be created as a subdirectory and is
ignored by git. Contributing examples (however small) that reproduce
issues are however appreciated.archive
contains examples that are broken or
irrelevant: generally a lower priority.concepts
contain examples sorted by topicdemo
is a standard set of demo files, suitable of e.g.
a ~1 hour presentation.publications
contains examples that are mentioned or
reproduced in publications by us.technical
has no good reason to exist: they should most
likely be inline test fixtures.verifythis
is a verification
competition that takes place every year, this is the archive of our
results there./lib
files that VerCors depends on, that cannot be
specified as e.g. a maven dependency.
Output of the mill build tool.
Contains the resources root that is related to
Named universal historically after the universal plugin, this directory contains files that must be available on the classpath, but must not be packed into a jar (e.g. executables)
Files that are specific to <platform>
, not
included on build for other platforms.
: The boogie program
: The Z3
theorem prover/res/universal/res
Files that are included on all platforms
: definitions for VerCors' datatypesc
: header files that specify C functionsinclude
: miscellaneous library files that are loaded
into vercorsjdk
: Java files that specify Java methods and
: Term rewriting rules for simplifying
: Configuration files for the SystemC
Source files for the <project>
project. These may
be in any language, such as scala, Java, antlr g4, etc. See also
⌄Project Structure by
Source files for testing the <project>
Contains debug output from VerCors, Viper, Boogie, and Z3 when configured to output it.
: various grammar definitions for text editors
(i.e. text highlighting), in various states of disrepair (but still
: A plan to implement better inheritance
: The old definitions in the term
rewriter, to be scoured for good definitionsprocessalgebra
: A plan to implement process algebra
support againrelease
: Utility script to draft a VerCors releaseSplitVerify
: Tool that can focus on a single method in
a verification input, for more rapid prototyping of specifications.stubimpl
: Helper script to generate
traits, useful when adding lots of Nodes.stupidUnsatCore
: Removes line from an smt2
script until the result is no longer unsat
: Utility script that parses the wiki into
, html
, the website navigation menu for
, a test suite of the examples..
: in colhelper
: Utilities to generate
helper classes for the Node definitions, such as rewriters, comparators,
subnode recursors, etc.antlr4
: Grammar definitions.hre
: General utilities not necessarily specific to
: Generates a cache directory in an
appropriate place keyed on customizable values (such as application
: Uses the cache directory to store
verification results, keyed on the vercors and viper versions.hre/debug
: Debugging utilities,hre/io
: I/O utilities. Readable
are the canonical way to describe a resource that
can be opened for reading/writing in VerCors, with the default
implementation for files RWFile
: Platform-independent profiling utilities,
measuring time usages and resource usagehre/platform
: Detects the current platform
(Windows/Unix/Mac), mostly used to determine executable format
: Utilities to maintain a tree of tasks
currently executing across threads, for accounting profiling information
and display.hre/resource
: Utility to locate platform-approriate
: Named functions, with an input and output
type that can be chained, and catch VerificationError
s by
: Unix-specific utilities, currently only
(where MacOS here does count as
: miscviper
: The Viper backendviper.api
: Utilities to interface between VerCors and
the Viper backendviper.api.transform
: Translate between the Viper
language (historically referred to as "Silver") and the VerCors
intermediate language "COL"viper.api.backend
: Implements the interface for Carbon
and Silicon, the two Viper implementations.vct/result
: VerificationError
may be
thrown, which is either a SystemError
(always a bug, need
not be informational) or a UserError
(sometimes a bug, but
must describe the situation well)vct/importer
: Load library files from resources and
other paths.vct/main
: Wires up command line options into executable
vercors runs, assembled of Stage
: A VerCors run is determined by exactly one
mode, the default being verification.vct/stages
: The pieces of VerCors that can be chained
together. Might as well be plain functions, the primary difference being
these use the progress framework.vct/stages/Stages.scala::ofOptions
: the meat and
potatoes: defines the actual components of VerCors from the command line
options. Each stage is _.run(_)
in turn.vct/main/Main.scala
: defines
public static void main(String[] args)
- the actual entry
: The command line options.vct/resources
: Defines the default location for various
: Uses ANTLR to transform various input
sources to a COL tree.vct/parsers/transform
: Defines how to transform an
ANTLR tree to a COL tree.vct/rewrite
: Transformations on COL ASTs - the most
important part of VerCors.vct/col
: All things related to the internal COL
: Definitions of all nodes in COL. All
definitions live in Node.scala
, but all implementations are
moved into separate subpackages and files.vct/col/check
: Check errors and utilities to check
them, for any kind of error that is not a type error.vct/col/debug
: Debug utility for checking the lifecycle
of declarations.vct/col/err
: Verification errors related to colvct/col/feature
: Segments nodes into features, where
there is approximately one rewriter per feature. Currently not used for
anything useful. (PB: I would prefer to move this out of the
: Contains Origin
, which
explains how a node came to be (e.g. from the user input), and
, which explains how to translate errors from the
backend to more pointed errors on the input.vct/col/print
: An implementation of "A
prettier printer" that works well with COL. (PB: I would prefer to
move this out of the col
: Implements cross-references in the AST.
Rewriters by default make LazyRef
such that declarations
can be made later than that they are referenced.vct/col/resolve
: Resolves names and types in the AST
according to the semantics of Java, C, PVL and the specification
language. (PB: I would prefer to move this out of the col
: Utilities that build on the generated
: Defines the typing rules for the COL
language. Transformations can be applied along applications of type
rules using CoercingRewriter
: General AST utilities, such as a
comparator, factory helpers, a subtitutor for expressions and types, and
more.This document gives instructions on how to configure a development environment for VerCors, using either ⌄Intellij IDEA or ⌄Visual Studio Code. Most VerCors developers use Intellij IDEA. Although VerCors supports Windows, MacOs and other unixen, most developers use a Linux distribution, so the development experience is tested more thoroughly on Linux.
This section describes how to install the prerequisites in more detail and how to build and run VerCors from a terminal. The instructions after the basic setup were however tested only under these conditions:
Install required dependencies:
apt install curl git openjdk-17-jdk-headless
Note that VerCors will also work with later jdks – it is not necessary to install an older one.
Clone the VerCors repository (~500MB):
git clone ssh://git@github.com/utwente-fmt/vercors.git
If you get an error about access rights, please ensure:
or another public key exists. If not, runssh-keygen
;- The key in
is associated to your github account. If not, visit https://github.com/settings/keys;- You have push access to the VerCors repository. If not, contact a member of the team.
You can also simply clone VerCors as read-only:
git clone https://github.com/utwente-fmt/vercors.git
Move into the repository:
cd vercors
Compile VerCors:
./mill -j 0 vercors.main.compile
Run an example to verify your setup works:
./bin/vct examples/concepts/arrays/array.pvl
That's it! 🥳
Yet to be written...
Install required dependencies(Git and OpenJDK17)
Skip this step if you already have them installed:
Run a command prompt with administrator privileges:
winget install Git.git
winget install ms-openjdk-17
Note that VerCors will also work with later jdks – it is not necessary to install an older one.
Restart the command prompt, navigate to the directory where you want to install VerCors and clone the VerCors repository (~500MB):
git clone ssh://git@github.com/utwente-fmt/vercors.git
If you get an error about access rights, please ensure:
or another public key exists. If not, runssh-keygen
;- The key in
is associated to your github account. If not, visit https://github.com/settings/keys;- You have push access to the VerCors repository. If not, contact a member of the team.
You can also simply clone VerCors as read-only:
git clone https://github.com/utwente-fmt/vercors.git
Move into the repository:
cd vercors
To be able to properly view the compilation messages hereafter, it is useful to enable colors for the terminal. To do this, first type "regedit" in the windows search bar and open the application. Then navigate to Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Console. Right-click the folder "Console" and click on
New > Create DWORD (32-bit) Value
and name itVirtualTerminalLevel
. Click on the new DWORD value and set its value to1
Compile VerCors:
mill.bat -j 0 vercors.main.compile
Run an example to verify your setup works:
.\bin\vct examples\concepts\arrays\array.pvl
That's it! 🥳
Requires ⌃Basic Setup
Install IntelliJ IDEA if you do not have it yet:
snap install --classic intellij-idea-community
Note: intellij-idea-ultimate is free for educational use. See e.g. here. It includes features that are useful to us, such as a profiler.
Install the Scala plugin, e.g. from the splash screen:
Open or import the VerCors project from the root of the repository
(i.e. the vercors
If you have not yet compiled VerCors at this point, importing may take approximately 5 minutes. It is also possible that importing fails with an error. In that case, let the synchronization finish fully, then go to
Build > Reload BSP project
(the ⟲ symbol).
Important: VerCors requires more stack memory than normal applications. It is recommended to increase it before adding any configurations
Run > Edit Configurations > Edit Configuration Templates
templateModidify options > Add VM options
in the VM options
in the VM options
fieldSet the JDK to version 17 or later in
File > Project Structure > Project Settings > Project > SDK
Run > Edit Configurations
and add an
to vercors
Main class
to vct.main.Main
not vct.main.Main$
, you may have to go to
Modify Options > Add before launch task
and activate
Use BSP Environment
. In the pop-up, you can just click
(the target can be blank or filled, doesn't
to the program arguments, or just append a file
path relative to the vercors
root directory.In the end your configuration should look something like this:
The test suite takes approximately 45 minutes to run on a modern machine. You may wish to push your changes to your branch at the main repository instead, so that the CI can run chunks of the test suite in parallel. This currently takes approximately 15 minutes instead.
You can create a ScalaTest
run configuration
automatically by right-clicking a directory or file containing tests,
and then clicking
Run 'ScalaTests in <directory or file>'
. We currently
do not have a way of running a single test in a file that contains
multiple tests from within IntelliJ IDEA.
If the build error is not clear, it may be helpful to run mill directly from a terminal, e.g.:
./mill -j 0 vercors.compile
IntelliJ communicates with the mill build system to build VerCors.
The scripts at ./bin/vct
and bin\vct.cmd
ask mill how to run VerCors. Consequently, you can always run the most
recent VerCors build from a terminal with this script.
The author does not use VSCode, so apologies for any awkward instructions. Corrections are appreciated.
Requires ⌃Basic Setup
Install VSCode if you do not have it yet:
snap install --classic code
Install the Metals plugin by going to
Ctrl+Shift+X > Scala (Metals) > Install
This will add a Metals symbol in the left tray.
Open the VerCors project from the root of the repository (i.e. the
directory) at File > Open Folder
When prompted by the Metals extension, click
Import build
If you hid the notification, it may be in your notifications on the bottom right. Alternatively you can click
Import build
from the Metals pane on the left.
To build VerCors, click Metals > Cascade compile
Go to Run and Debug > Create a launch.json file
Scala: run main class
from the suggestions;mainClass
to vct.main.Main
;["-p", "examples/concepts/arrays/array.pvl"]
.Your launch configuration should look something like this:
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [{
"type": "scala",
"request": "launch",
"name": "VerCors",
"mainClass": "vct.main.Main",
"args": ["-p", "examples/concepts/arrays/array.pvl"],
"jvmOptions": ["-Xss20m"],
"env": {}
The test suite takes approximately 45 minutes to run on a modern machine. You may wish to push your changes to your branch at the main repository instead, so that the CI can run chunks of the test suite in parallel. This currently takes approximately 15 minutes instead.
You can simply run tests yourself from the Test pane on the left (the ⚗ symbol).
VSCode communicates with the mill build system to build VerCors. The
scripts at ./bin/vct
and bin\vct.cmd
will ask
mill how to run VerCors. Consequently, you can always run the most
recent VerCors build from a terminal with this script.
ScalaTest can be run by the commandline or via the Intellij. For
running with Intellij you need the Scala plugin of JetBrains. VerCors
uses a lot of memory that is why you have to add an VM option to the
ScalaTest template. Go to Run/Debug Configuration. Click on the blue
text "Edit configuration templates..." in the left corner. Select
ScalaTest. Select Configuration. Set VM options to "-Xss128M". You can
run the test by right clicking a test file and selecting the option "Run
'{filename}'". To run a single test you can open the file and clicking
on the run arrow between the line number and the text of the file. The
test files are in "src/test/scala/". Intellij also supports running the
test in debug mode by selecting debug mode. Running from the commandline
can be done using sbt. The following command runs all the tests.
sbt test
The following command runs all the test in the
file integration.Generated1Tests.
sbt "testOnly integration.Generated1Tests"
More settings can be found in https://www.scalatest.org/user_guide/using_scalatest_with_sbt Note that the run settings like classpath and available memory can be different from Intellij and sbt.
VerCors can generate a profile in the pprof format. This only works
on unix-like systems, and works best on linux. The file
is generated in the current directory when
passing the flag --profile
$ vercors --profile some/example.java
$ ls profile.pprof.gz
It's safe to stop vercors with control-C (SIGINT
), and
the profile will contain all samples up to that point, with the
exception of childSys
and childUser
It can be viewed with e.g. the pprof tool, e.g.:
$ pprof -http=:1234 profile.pprof.gz
The profile contains several different samples, listed under "Sample":
Use aggUser
as a stable measurement for the amount of
computation VerCors has done: it represents the total amount of
computation time VerCors has used.
View > Flame Graph
is most useful for this. You can
use selfUser
to diagnose cases where silicon itself
(without z3) is slow. wall
is most useful when including
, since unfortunately childUser
cannot track
the individual usage by verifier or goal.
The width of bars in the flame graph represent the amount of time spent on them. Click on a bar to zoom into it horizontally, click on bars above the focused bar to zoom out again.
In silicon we try to compute a hierarchy, trying to obtain in order:
We also include some "comment" records, indicated with
and */
VerCors supports extracting tests from the tutorial and automatically running the extracted tests. The following syntax is recognized in the tutorial. For example usages of this syntax, see the raw version of the chapter of Axiomatic Data Types. As the annotations will be hidden when viewing the rendered markdown, click on "edit page"
Testcases defined by template, e.g.:
<!-- testBlock Fail -->
assert false;
There are three possible code block annotations:
wraps the code in a method and classtestMethod
wraps the code in a classtest
returns the code as istestBlock
and testMethod
are compatible
with Java and PVL.
The case name of the generated test is derived from the heading structure.
To combine multiple code blocks into one test case (potentially with hidden glue code), you can use Snippets. The markdown for that might look like this:
<!-- standaloneSnip smallCase
//:: cases smallCase
//:: verdict Fail
class Test {
<!-- codeSnip smallCase -->
boolean never() {
return false;
*Here could be some more explanation about "never".*
<!-- standaloneSnip smallCase
void test() {
Then the following example will **fail**:
<!-- codeSnip smallCase -->
assert never();
<!-- standaloneSnip smallCase
Note that the hidden glue code uses standaloneSnip
, and
includes the code inside the HTML comment tags <!--
. The visible code snippets use
, and the code is outside the comment tags,
enclosed in triple back-ticks like any displayed code block.
Over time it's been noticed that there are two large issues with the parsing stage across multiple input languages:
being a shared static field in each parserWe've long suspected that both could be fixed by making the grammar more straightforward to parse, but so far we haven't conclusively found what we should change. There are now a couple flags that analyze what is happening during parsing to help with that. I've tried to add (in an overly confident tone) what ANTLR is now reporting to us. I'm pretty sure there are holes in my understanding of ANTLR still, so apologies in advance.
You can pass --dev-parsing-ambiguities
. ANTLR only cares about
ambiguities in the sense that it has to tell you for each rule which
alternative it chose. A decision is considered context-sensitive when we
cannot decide with one token of lookahead what alternative to choose.
While matching a production like
(expr expr)* expr expr expr
we do need more lookahead than
one, because it is not clear while reading expressions whether to
continue in the *
or read the last three expressions.
Nevertheless this is not context-sensitive, because ANTLR dumps all
terminals/non-terminals flatly into the context that represents the
current production, so even in the face of a context-sensitive decision
like this, the resulting data structure is the same anyway.
When enabling either flag you will receive outputs like this:
At /tmp/vercors-interpreted-13716491317094529415.ipp
20 void parallel_for(sycl::range<1> numWorkItems, VERCORS::LAMBDA lambda_method);
21 void parallel_for(sycl::range<2> numWorkItems, VERCORS::LAMBDA lambda_method);
22 void parallel_for(sycl::range<3> numWorkItems, VERCORS::LAMBDA lambda_method);
24 void parallel_for(sycl::nd_range<1> numWorkItems, VERCORS::LAMBDA lambda_method);
Prediction of rule theTypeName required full context and took 0.00s:
[x] simpleTemplateId
> className
> enumName
> typedefName
indicates a definitively viable
indicates an alternative that was
discarded only after running a full-context analysisNote 1: if there are multiple >
lines, this means that there is an ambiguity in the
parser: both are valid. If there is only one >
, there
must be a [x]
: it means the grammar is sensitive to
context. I think that context-sensitivities can be normal/fine
if the indicated region is quite small.
Note 2: The name of the rule refers to the rule in the input grammar. In the case of left-recursive grammars (e.g. most of our expressions), the grammar is instead rewritten, so you may see alternatives that do not make much sense, like this:
At /home/pieter/vercors/res/universal/res/jdk/java/lang/String.java
61 ensures \result.data() == other.data() + data();
62 String right+(String other) {
63 return new String(other.data() + data());
64 }
65 @*/
Prediction of rule expr required full context and took 0.00s:
> ({9 >= _p}? ('=='|'!=') expr | {28 >= _p}? '.' 'new' nonWildcardTypeArguments? innerCreator | {3 >= _p}? impOp expr | {27 >= _p}? '.' 'super' superSuffix | {19 >= _p}? ('++'|'--') | {29 >= _p}? '.' 'this' | {24 >= _p}? '->' javaIdentifier arguments | {11 >= _p}? relOp expr | {7 >= _p}? '^' expr | {15 >= _p}? prependOp expr | {6 >= _p}? '|' expr | {4 >= _p}? '||' expr | {22 >= _p}? postfixOp | {5 >= _p}? andOp expr | {13 >= _p}? ('+'|'-') expr | {1 >= _p}? assignOp expr | {26 >= _p}? '.' explicitGenericInvocation | {12 >= _p}? shiftOp expr | {2 >= _p}? '?' expr ':' expr | {8 >= _p}? '&' expr | {23 >= _p}? '.' javaIdentifier predicateEntryType? arguments valEmbedGiven? valEmbedYields? | {25 >= _p}? '[' expr ']' | {10 >= _p}? 'instanceof' type | {14 >= _p}? mulOp expr | {30 >= _p}? '.' javaIdentifier)+
[x] ()
Note that the first alternative ends in +
. This language
represents the tail part of the left-recursive alternatives of
. The operator precedence is here already encoded by
antlr automatically through semantic predicates
{_ >= _p}?
, I don't know the exact mechanics.
Note 3: Note that the alternatives are recovered
from the augmented transition network in the parser, and then
pretty-printed as a production rule. This means that they may not
exactly correspond to the input, even when not left-recursive.
Especially note that a rule such as (a | b?)
pretty-printed as (a | b)?
, which is equivalent (!)
I'm not certain what you should actually change when something is reported. Nevertheless I offer some thoughts:
exp2: exp1 (('*'|'/') exp1)*
instead of
exp2: exp1 | exp2 '*' exp1 | exp2 '/' exp1
For a general explanation on git hooks see here.
We use git hooks for the following purposes:
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Currenty only pre-commit
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It's polite not to introduce formatting changes in commits - this keeps diffs nice to read. For that reason we run formatting automatically on the list of files that is changed in a commit just before actually doing the commit. Please do not manually run formatting on files that are not touched by your commit.
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This page lists the software, deployments, credentials and documentation in the orbit of the VerCors project.
Primary projects:
Secondary maintained tooling:
This simply makes the tool available to run on the internet.
Minimal piece of software that makes a command line tool available to stream over a websocket. Not meant to be deployed directly.
Follow these steps:
Add an auto-generated release to the github repo
This is managed by the release
workflow. It is executed for any commit tagged with a version. So pick
the commit you want to make a release for, tag it, and let the workflow
Add a changelog to the release
Open the release, click the "edit" button of the release, and click the "Generate release notes" button at the top. Take case that the proper "Previous tag" is set, to make sure only commits are included in the release notes that are actually in the release. Do a brief readthrough and expand or delete text where necessary.
Upload a docker image
Build a docker image locally of the commit that you just tagged with
the new version. This is done using the docker
target the
build system. Push that to one of the following docker registries. Also
update the latest
tag in the respective registry.
We don't have a policy for which registry to use. Historically speaking, we've been using dockerhub because it's standard and there's a utwente-fmt organization. Probably in the long term we should move to the UT gitlab.
We should also consider using the UT harbor (http://harbor.utsp.utwente.nl) for compliance/vulnerability checking.
Add an announcement
If it is a major version release or a big point release you can consider adding an announcement on the VerCors website or FMT website.